Instrumental Area Accompanist
Students assigned to the staff accompanist
- Are entitled to a total of 2 hours rehearsal with the staff accompanist per semester, normally two ½-hours for Directed Listening and two ½-hours for jury preparation
- May sign up for a maximum of 2 consecutive ½-hour blocks
- Must provide a legible copy of their music at least one week prior to the first rehearsal (or three weeks prior for difficult accompaniments).
- May perform only if they have had at least one rehearsal prior to performance.
Vocal Area Accompanist
- Students enrolled in MUS 1640, 2640, 3640, 4640 (such as BM music ed, BA general music, minors, etc.) must arrange for a regular accompanist for a half lesson every week. An accompanist fee is attached to these course numbers each semester.
- Students enrolled in both MUS 1640/1641, 2640/2641, 3640/3641, 4640/4641 (BM performance in voice) must arrange for a regular accompanist for 30 minutes during each weekly lesson. An accompanist fee is attached to these course numbers each semester.
- Accompanists used for lessons must be contracted with, and approved by, the Music Department. A list of contracted accompanists will be made available through the Department office and will be posted on the Voice Area bulletin board.
- The accompanist fee covers voice lessons as outlined above.
Additional Accompanist Policies
- Each semester, the accompanist fee will cover one master class performance, one directed listening performance, and a jury performance per student.
- The accompanist fee will not cover any other rehearsal or performance time, such as preparation for master classes, juries, directed listening, auditions, or makeup lessons needed because of canceled lessons. Accompaniment for a missed lesson (for which arrangements have been made at least 24 hours in advance with the instructor) would be covered.
- It will be the sole responsibility of the individual student to consult with the voice faculty to secure an approved accompanist for his/her voice lessons (normally by the first week of classes), master class, jury, and directed listening.
- The Department will not determine fees paid for additional rehearsal time.
- No lessons will be scheduled until the student has finalized arrangements for an accompanist.
- Students may not use the Music Department copy machine for any of their copy needs.
- A faculty member may make a copy for a student (as for a lesson, etc.) but should not authorize the student or department secretary to make copies for a student.
- Student employees and student ensemble librarians may be authorized by the appropriate faculty member to use the Department copy machine for designated ensemble or department-related tasks.
- The music fraternities shall not use the copy machine unless a copy job is directly related to a service project for the department. If so, the faculty advisor or a designated fraternity member should make those copies, not the department secretary.
- Copying should not be done by or for outside organizations except for department-sponsored events.
- The department does not provide office supplies to students. Students must provide their own supplies, including but not limited to: paper, notebooks, pens, staples, tape, binders, paperclips, or three-hole punch. Supplies provided in the administrative office are for faculty and staff only.
- No food or open beverages are permitted in the Music Department building, including practice rooms and classrooms. Water bottles are permissible as long as they are closed.
- If students are hosting an unauthorized event and providing food, faculty or staff may ask those students to relocate.
- Any outside food brought into the department for an event must be approved by the department chair.
- Students are welcome to have food in the lobby of the Music Building and the outdoor courtyard, at the picnic tables and benches.
Instrument Use
The Music Department provides musical instruments for student use. Instruments are issued according to the following criteria:
Approval of applied music instructor.
- Use of instrument must be in a primary or secondary performing organization or in an instrumental techniques class.
- Rental requests for personal use must be approved by the Department Chair and the Coordinator of Instrumental Studies. A weekly fee will be charged according to instrument type.
- Students issued instruments must fill out a 'Music Instrument Rental Agreement' form located in the Technician’s Office (M-22A). This form holds the student financially responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to the instrument/equipment while in his care. Unpaid fees for lost and stolen equipment will freeze student records and put a hold on registration until all fees are paid. The student must keep school instruments in good and proper condition as to be determined by the ensemble conductor. All instruments will be assessed for damage upon cleaning and billed to the student upon completion of repairs.
- The student must not have state equipment repaired or adjusted by any off-campus repair shop without prior approval of the Department of Music.
- All university instruments and equipment must be checked in with the Department technician no later than 3:30 p.m. on the last day of finals.
- Summer use of instruments requires the written approval of the Department Chair. A $50 use fee must be paid before the instrument is issued.
- Woodwind performers are required to purchase their own reeds. Reeds can be purchased from the department technician but are subject to availability.
- Practice rooms are available daily to music students. The availability schedule is posted at the department.
- Practice rooms are available to students who are enrolled in studio lessons and/or a performing ensemble.
- Practice rooms not occupied within 10 minutes of assigned time cannot be reserved and will become available to any music student.
- All piano majors will be issued a key that opens all grand pianos in the Department. All grand pianos, with the exception of the 9 foot Steinway Concert Grand, are available to piano majors only for practice. The student is responsible for practice room key(s) issued. If a key is lost or stolen, the student must notify both Department and University key issue as soon as possible. The student must pay for the lost or stolen key(s) and interview with the Department Chairman before the reissue of key(s) for practice rooms.
- Practice rooms with grand pianos are reserved for piano major signup; non-pianists may use this room only when not reserved and no other rooms are available. A pianist may ask a non-pianist to move from one of these rooms only when another room is available.
- No food or drink is allowed in practice rooms, except bottled water.
- Forms for locker check-out are available in M-22A from the Performing Arts Technician.
- Music majors have preference on locker availability.
- If space permits, non-majors may check out music lockers.
- Stanislaus State assumes no responsibility nor liability for instruments or equipment stored in Music Department lockers.
- Lockers are assigned by the department based upon the size of the instrument to be stored. Larger lockers will be reserved for students whose primary instrument is large or bulky.
- Students using large lockers may be asked to share if the need arises.
- All items found in the Music building or Snider Recital Hall may be turned in to the department office in M3 or the campus Police Department.
- The department will attempt to locate the owner of the lost item. If the item is not claimed within five business days, the department will turn the item(s) in to campus police.
- Pianos and harpsichords are maintained on a periodic basis. Students noting any problems with keyboard instruments should let the department technician know immediately.
- Grand pianos are only available for student practice only with the consent of the coordinator of keyboard studies.
Student Degree Recital Requirements:
Recital Prerequisites
- Students must pass the piano proficiency exam before registering for the Senior Recital or Project.
- Students may present a junior recital only after completing all the lower division music requirements, or during the semester in which they are concurrently enrolled in the remaining lower division music requirements.
- Students must complete the academic coursework for the major during the academic year in which the senior recital is presented or the senior project is completed and submitted. This coursework includes all core courses for the major as well as all upper division requirements for the emphasis.
- Students must pass Level VI of applied study and be enrolled in level VII or VIII during the semester in which the senior recital is presented.
Recital Guidelines
- Student recitals that fulfill degree requirements may be presented only during Fall or Spring terms. Summer recitals are not permitted.
- Paperwork/fees: students who wish to present a degree recital must retrieve and fill out the appropriate departmental paperwork and pay fees according to the existing deadlines and fee schedule.
- Recital accompanist: students are responsible for hiring a department- approved accompanist for any degree recital. The accompanist’s name should be filed with the Department at least one month before the recital hearing.
Recital Hearing
- Students must arrange their recital hearing no later than one month prior to the scheduled recital date. They are responsible for confirming the hearing date with each committee member and must reserve a room for the hearing.
- Any assisting musicians must be cleared with the studio instructor and must perform at the student’s performance level or higher. All musicians performing on the recital must play the recital hearing. Any special instruments, such as harpsichord, must be available for the hearing.
- At the time of the hearing the committee must be provided with at least one copy of the solo part for all recital literature, exact durations of each work, and a typed copy of the exact program in program order, with all movement titles, composer dates, and names of assisting musicians. Program repertoire must not exceed 50 minutes for performance major senior recitals and 25 minutes for all other recitals.
Non-degree recitals
- Non-degree recitals require one full-time faculty member’s approval. The student presenting the recital shall provide his own program and do his own advertising. Department fees must be paid prior to the performance or the recital will be canceled. No admission may be charged, and no reception is permitted in the music facility.
- Students who wish to prepare a performance/audition recording must submit a request through the Music Department and schedule the recording session with the Department technician. Fees will be charged and must be paid in advance.
Recordings of Recitals and Concerts
- All recitals and concerts are recorded by the Music Department and kept in a permanent archive.
- Recordings may be delivered upon request to the department technician, pending availability.
- Any student chamber ensemble that performs on Department-sponsored programs must be coached by a faculty member. Each student ensemble member must be enrolled in the appropriate course. Exceptions will be handled by the instructor and Department Chair.
The Music Lab (M 046) is available to all currently enrolled music students, music faculty and staff, and alumni based on machine availability. Only currently enrolled students have accounts and can log in. Lab hours are posted outside the lab. Priority will be given to students enrolled in music technology classes. The lab is closed during class times.
General Guidelines
- Lab use is an extension of instruction in the Music Department, therefore, all work performed in the lab should support class assignments.
- All copyright laws must be followed. Ask a lab assistant when in doubt.
- Use of the teacher workstation is only by permission from a faculty member.
- Save and backup often to help prevent lost work. Students should backup work to their own media (key drive, hard drive, optical media).
- Problems with any hardware or software should be reported to the lab assistant immediately.
- The "U Drive" is used only for submitting assignments or receiving files from the instructor. Do not store your work there. Unauthorized files will be deleted immediately.
No food, beverages, or open containers are EVER allowed in the Music Lab, including during classes or when other organizations have reserved the facilities. Closed containers, such as water bottles, should be stowed in backpacks.
Updated: August 30, 2023