How did we get where we are today? What caused past events? What differences did individuals make? If these and other questions intrigue you, history has the answers—or, more specifically, a choice of answers. Stanislaus State offers you the chance to study the varieties of history, explore your own favorite corners of the past, and effectively communicate what you have discovered.
The Master of Arts Program in History will help you to develop a working knowledge of the seminal works of history, hone your ability to conduct research, heighten your analytical skills, and increase your literary precision and flair.
The M.A. Program in History offers routes to further education tailored to individual needs, experiences, and professional endeavors. It has proven to be an excellent choice, not only for recent college graduates, but also for individuals making mid-life career changes. Our graduates have gone on to careers in college and university education, journalism, the California State Park system, museum management, law, and business. An M.A. in History opens many doors.
Appendix of Documents
- Program Requirements
- Statement of Professional Ethics
- Individual Study Request form (pdf)
- Comprehensive Exam Registration (pdf)
- Thesis Proposal pdf)
- HIST 5990: Thesis Special Registration (pdf)
- HIST 7005: Thesis Continuing Registration (pdf)
- HIST 7006: Comprehensive Exam Continuing Registration (pdf)
- Application to Graduate (pdf)
Updated: December 18, 2024