Helpful Resources for commuters who carpool, vanpool, take public transit, bicycle, or walk to campus:


Need help navigating bus routes? Use Turlock Transit’s Trip Planner, which generates directions to get from point A to point B using public transit. Scroll down on Turlock Transit’s homepage to find the Trip Planner.

Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH)

  • Eligibility: commuters who regularly (at least twice a week) carpool, vanpool, bike, walk or take transit to work/college.
  • If you are without a car and experience a valid emergency (such as a personal illness or a sick child), the GRH Program will cover your ride expenses.
  • Commuters may take advantage of GRH up to six times per year.

“Knowing there’s a guaranteed ride home allows one to use commuting options like transit and carpools with peace of mind and confidence.”

Visit Commuter Connections’ website to find out more about the Guaranteed Ride Home program.

Vamos Mobility 

  • Free smartphone app that connects San Joaquin Valley residents with affordable, clean transportation options.
  • This transportation-planning app includes electric carsharing reservations, electric vehicle ride-hailing (VOGO), bike routes, bus routes, and the option to pay transit fares
  • Vamos Mobility is available for iOS and Android devices.

Visit Vamos Mobility’s website.

List of car-share services that offer on-demand access to vehicles: 

How to use Google Maps for transit planning

YouTube Link:

This 7-minute tutorial explains how to read route directions on Google Maps and discusses the different tools that Google Maps offers such as how to send the generated trip to your mobile device/share the trip with others, how to add the trip to your Google Calendar, and how to add a Google Maps reminder.

How to ride the bus

YouTube Link:

How to put your bike on the bus

YouTube Link:

Updated: August 09, 2023