Batch Recertification Process for Existing General Education (GE) Courses
GE Batch Recertification Process for Existing GE Courses 3/AS/18/UEPC (DOCX file)
The Batch Recertification Process has been integrated into the Curriculog Management System.
Please Note: newly proposed GE courses will be certified using the existing curricular processes for course modification using the modified criteria based on approved GE Area Outcomes Alignment
The Process:
Department Chair
1. Initates the Batch Recertification process in Curriculog.
2. Enters all program GE courses and select the approved anchor outcomes and selected outcomes as indicated in the approved GE Area Outcomes Alignment (directions provided in the Curriculog form)
3. Uploads a representative syllabus for each GE course (not each section), which will include the identified anchor and selected outcomes (see sample syllabus excerpt).
College Curriculum Committee
4. The college curriculum committee will have the purview to decide whether or not to review the packet (syllabi and GE course list) or to move on to the College Dean from the Department Chairs in Curriculog.
College Dean
5. Review the department submissions and approve in Curriculog.
Office of Assessment/ Faculty Director of General Education
6. Will review submissions to ensure completion of all required elements.
General Education Subcommittee
7. Reviews and approves. Any clarification needed will be conducted among the GE Subcommitte Chair, the Faculty Director of GE (FDGE), the College Dean, and the applicable Department Chair.
Office of Academic Programs
8. Will house the approved documentation as University records.
EO 1100 Revised: General Education Area Descriptions
Students taking courses in fulfillment of Subareas A1 and A2 will develop knowledge and understanding of the form, content, context and effectiveness of communication. Students will develop proficiency in oral and written communication in English, examining communication from the rhetorical perspective and practicing reasoning and advocacy, organization, and accuracy. Students will enhance their skills and abilities in the discovery, critical evaluation, and reporting of information, as well as reading, writing, and listening effectively. Coursework must include active participation and practice in both written communication and oral communication in English.
In critical thinking (Subarea A3) courses, students will understand logic and its relation to language; elementary inductive and deductive processes, including an understanding of the formal and informal fallacies of language and thought; and the ability to distinguish matters of fact from issues of judgment or opinion. In A3 courses, students will develop the abilities to analyze, criticize, and advocate ideas; to reason inductively and deductively; and to reach well-supported factual or judgmental conclusions.
In Subareas B1-B3, students develop knowledge of scientific theories, concepts, and data about both living and non-living systems. Students will achieve an understanding and appreciation of scientific principles and the scientific method, as well as the potential limits of scientific endeavors and the value systems and ethics associated with human inquiry. The nature and extent of laboratory experience is to be determined by each campus through its established curricular procedures.
Through courses in Subarea B4 students shall demonstrate the abilities to reason quantitatively, practice computational skills, and explain and apply mathematical or quantitative reasoning concepts to solve problems. Courses in this Subarea shall include a prerequisite reflective only of skills and knowledge required in the course. In addition to traditional mathematics, courses in Subarea B4 may include computer science, personal finance, statistics or discipline-based mathematics or quantitative reasoning courses, for example.
Across the disciplines in Area C coursework, students will cultivate intellect, imagination, sensibility and sensitivity. Students will respond subjectively as well as objectively to aesthetic experiences and will develop an understanding of the integrity of both emotional and intellectual responses. Students will cultivate and refine their affective, cognitive, and physical faculties through studying works of the human imagination. Activities may include participation in individual aesthetic, creative experiences; however, Area C excludes courses that exclusively emphasize skills development.
In their intellectual and subjective considerations, students will develop a better understanding of the interrelationship between the self and the creative arts and of the humanities in a variety of cultures.
Students may take courses in languages other than English in partial fulfillment of this requirement if the courses do not focus solely on skills acquisition but also contain a substantial cultural component. This may include literature, among other content.
Students learn from courses in multiple Area D disciplines that human social, political and economic institutions and behavior are inextricably interwoven. Through fulfillment of the Area D requirement, students will develop an understanding of problems and issues from the respective disciplinary perspectives and will examine issues in their contemporary as well as historical settings and in a variety of cultural contexts. Students will explore the principles, methodologies, value systems and ethics employed in social scientific inquiry. Courses that emphasize skills development and professional preparation are excluded from Area D.
This requirement is designed to equip learners for lifelong understanding and development of themselves as integrated physiological, social, and psychological beings. Physical activity may be included, if it is an integral part of the study elements described herein.
Content may include topics such as student success strategies, human behavior, sexuality, nutrition, physical and mental health, stress management, information literacy, social relationships and relationships with the environment, as well as implications of death and dying or avenues for lifelong learning. Courses in this area shall focus on the development of skills, abilities and dispositions.
Updated: April 02, 2024