General Education Organizational Structure
The General Education (GE) Program at CSU Stanislaus is comprised of the traditional GE Program, the First-Year Experience Program, and the Summit Program. This traditional program has been offered in its current overall design since the early 1970's, although the number of units and specific courses has changed over the decades. Currently, the GE Program requires students to complete 51 semester units of selected courses within seven broad disciplinary categories, including nine upper division units.
The Associate Vice President has delegated responsibility from the Provost for overseeing the development and support of undergraduate and graduate curricula, including General Education (GE).
- Serves as liaison for GE with the CSU Chancellor’s Office.
Works with faculty governance committees to ensure policy development for GE remains consistent with CSU system and Title 5 regulations. - Facilitates the efforts of the University Educational Policies Committee for GE policy development and revision.
- Works with college deans, the Faculty Director of GE, the University Educational Policies Committee, and the GE Subcommittee to ensure quality and the delivery of GE in accordance with campus and CSU system policies and procedures.
- Assists the development and implementation of the assessment program for GE.
- Works with the GE Subcommittee to update GE information in university publications, including catalog and course schedule copy and the GE website.
The Director of the Office of Institutional Research has responsibility to provide information necessary for the delivery and evaluation of the General Education (GE) Program.
- Provides data and analysis in support of the GE Program (e.g., data about general education in surveys for seniors, alumni, and employers; student enrollments; faculty demographics; course offerings; course scheduling).
The College Deans oversee daily operations of General Education (GE) courses.
- Works with faculty to promote knowledge and understanding of GE learning goals (e.g., incorporation into course syllabi, incorporation into new student orientation and new faculty orientation).
- Works in collaboration with university offices and programs to ensure that accurate information about the GE Program is communicated to new and continuing students.
- Manages the college GE budget.
- In consultation with the Faculty Director for GE schedules and tracks course offerings including Stockton, day/evening, on instructional television, across disciplines, across time modules, etc.
The General Education (GE) Director:
- Promotes wide knowledge and understanding of the GE program to students, staff, faculty, departments, and colleges and serves as an advocate for the overall health of the program.
- Advances progress on the Implementation Plan of the GE Academic Program Review (APR) and the GE Action Plan.
- Completes the GE Annual Report.
- Works with faculty governance committees and the AVP (Academic Programs) to ensure policy development for GE remains consistent with CSU System specifically:
- Serves as an ex officio (non-voting) member of the GE Subcommittee with duties including consulting on the maintenance and updating of the university’s GE website, facilitating policy recommendations (development and revision) to the University Educational Policies Committee, and attending GE Subcommittee meetings
- Is available to attend Assessment of Student Learning Subcommittee meetings.
- Receives direct support for GE from the GE Subcommittee, the Assessment of Student Learning Subcommittee, the Assessment Specialist, the Associate Vice President of Academic Planning and Analysis, and the Director of the Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
- Reports to the Associate Vice President of Academic Planning and Analysis.
The General Education (GE) Subcommittee is primarily responsible for overseeing the General Education program at Stanislaus State. The responsibilities of the GE Subcommittee, as formulated by the UEPC, are as follows:
- Establish meeting dates by semester, to be published to the campus community.
- Submit agendas and meeting minutes to the Recording Secretary of the UEPC. Transmit all agendas and meeting minutes to the campus community via electronic networks.
- Review, approve or disapprove requests from departments/programs for courses to be included into the GE Program, and make decisions for continuance or discontinuance of GE course designations.
- Implement policies and procedures that are submitted to the GE Subcommittee from the UEPC; make recommendations to the UEPC for changes in GE policies and procedures.
- Provide support for the articulation of courses from the community colleges.
- Oversee preparation of GE catalog copy.
- Review each department/program's GE courses on a seven-year cycle in coordination with the department/program's seven-year academic program review. Solicit input from academic departments regarding GE course offerings; evaluate courses according to Stanislaus State's articulated GE program goals, objectives, and criteria and provide an assessment to the UEPC.
- Submit an annual year-end report to the UEPC, to include a summary of the year's events and recommendations for next steps.
The Assessment of Student Learning Subcommittee provides guidance on the extent and type of academic assessment initiatives. The specific responsibilities of the Assessment of Student Learning Subcommittee, as formulated by the UEPC, are as follows:
- Develop policies and procedures related to assessment of student learning to be submitted to UEPC for review and approval.
- Advise the Director of the Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning of any identified programmatic or resource needs.
- Establish meeting dates by semester, to be published to the campus community. Submit agendas and meeting minutes to the Recording Secretary of the UEPC and transmit all agendas and meeting minutes to the campus community via electronic networks.
- Submit an annual year-end report to the UEPC, to include a summary of the year’s events and recommendations for follow up actions.
Updated: April 18, 2023