Stanislaus State Travel Office processes travel expenses approved for official University business in accordance with the University policies and procedures, collective bargaining agreements and prudent accounting practices. We provide various services and functions to assist with the business travel needs of our University students, faculty and staff. From providing guidance on various travel policies and procedures for University business travel, such as domestic and international travel, traveler responsibilities and allowable expenses.
Policies & Procedures
Campus community traveling on University business (University Travelers), must abide by the CSU Travel Policy, the CSU Travel Procedures, and Stanislaus State Travel Guidelines. It is each University Travelers responsibility to read and understand ALL policies and procedures and obtain an approved Concur travel request prior to incurring any University travel related expenses.
The following information is provided to help users comply, plan, and receive reimbursement for their allowable expenses.
We are continually reviewing our processes to improve them for our campus community.
Concur Travel & Expenses
Contact with any questions regarding Concur. For further information, reach out to Angelina Caetano (Accounting Tech III Travel) at (209) 667-3910 or at
Access to Concur Software. All employees have access automatically. Students will need a profile created manually by the campus Travel Technician. Concur is not used for Non-Employee and Non-Student travel.
To login to Concur visit the Travel site, select Concur Log-In and sign-in with your campus credentials. The webpage above will provide you some resources like the Traveler and Delegate Handbook, FAQ, and a link to the Chancellor’s Office Travel Policy and Procedures. The handbook provides step by step instructions and screen shots for all travel submission purposes. It is the perfect place to start.
Additionally, here are a few training videos to get you started:
- Introduction to Travel & Expense
- Creating a Request
- Updating your Expense Profile
- Converting Foreign Currency Transactions
- Entering Personal Car Mileage
- Correcting and Resubmitting an Expense Report
- Adding Card Transactions to an Expense Report
- Closing a Request
Once your trip is over (as long as you created your request BEFORE traveling) you will receive an auto generated email from Concur Solutions (Subject "Welcome Back") with further instructions on how to complete your Expense Report to claim actual expenses incurred . To begin, visit Page 69 of the Concur Traveler and Delegate Handbook for instructions on how to create an expense report FROM your approved request.
Training & Resources
Links, tools, and reference materials related to Travel Services.
Downloadable and online forms related to Travel Services.
Travel FAQs
This section contains instructions and guides for travel-related tasks.
An electronic Request is required in the Concur Travel Software prior to incurring any cost associated with.
- To determine if you need to complete a Concur Request, please reference the Concur Request Flowchart.
- If you will be driving your personal vehicle please complete Form 261, Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business.
- If you will be driving ANY VEHICLE while on University Business you must complete Defensive Driver Training.
Expense Reports
In order to be reimbursed for purchases personally made while traveling on University business, you must submit an Expense Report in Concur. The Travel Request that was submitted prior to the travel event, is to be utilized to create the Expense Report.The Expense Report details all purchases made during a trip that you want to be reimbursed for. It will also show any Travel PCard transactions.However, the traveler will only be reimbursed for those items paid personally that are supported by an approved travel request and itemized receipts. For complete and detailed information on how to create and submit an Expense Report, please see the Traveler and Delegate Handbook on the Concur Travel and Expense page.
Approvals & Processing
The approvals on the Travel Request authorize the travel event as being University business, and authorize the expenditure of the budget amount from the University funds identified in the Accounting Section.
Concur will automatically route the expense report to the authorized approvers.
Once approved, you can expect to receive your reimbursement within 10 business days.
An authorized Travel Request must be submitted to the Travel Office prior to renting a vehicle for University business. Rentals will automatically be billed to the University and charged to the appropriate department as per the Travel Request. Follow the procedure below.
- Open Enterprise Rent-A-Car
- Pick the Enterprise location where you would like to pick up your rental vehicle.
- You can use the Airport; or
- Enter the Zip Code, City or State you are looking for.
- Enter the Dates and Times of your desired reservation.
- Enter our National Account Number (please contact your Department custodian to get this code) in the "Optional: Corporate Account or Customer Number" Box. (This is the code when not using a Travel PCard.)
- You will be prompted to enter the first 3 Characters of your Account's name, please contact your Department custodian to get this code.
- If you entered a specific location or airport, you will then be able to choose your vehicle and book a reservation. If you entered a zip code, city or state, you will be given a list of Enterprise Rent-A-Car locations in the area you have requested from which to choose.
- You can proceed to select your vehicle and enter your information to finish making your reservation.
- You will be given a confirmation number for your reservation and the option to have a confirmation emailed to you.
- At the time of rental, please provide the branch with a valid Driver's License and Reservation Number. There is no need to purchase extra insurance. It is included in the rate.
By Phone
- Contact the local Enterprise Rent-A-Car rental branch (209-632-8000) or dial 1-800-RENT-A-CAR to be connected to the closest branch to you.
- Provide the branch with our Account Number, please contact your Department custodian to get this code (This is the code when not using a Travel PCard.)
- The rental branch will set up a reservation that fits your needs and provide you with a reservation number.
At the time of rental, please provide the branch with a valid Driver's License and Enterprise Reservation Number. There is no need to purchase extra insurance. It is included in the rate.
The quickest way to receive your reimbursement is through direct deposit (EFT). Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) are processed twice a week. To apply for Direct Deposit complete the Authorization form.
On-Campus Interview Expense Reimbursement Authorization:
Before issuing an invitation to the candidate to come to campus
- Complete an On-Campus Interview and Travel Allowances for Recruitment Form (OI form) found on the Travel web site.
- Secure approval of the hiring department Chair/Manager, the AVP/College Dean, and the appropriate Vice President.
- Deliver the OI form to Accounts Payable in Financial Services to obtain an OI (On-Campus Interview) number. (Contact Travel Office)
- Contact the candidate and provide them with the OI number and the approved reimbursement amount. Instruct them to use the OI number when filing their request for reimbursement.
- Candidate Quick Guide
On-Campus Interview Travel Expense Reimbursement Criteria:
- Air travel will be reimbursed at the "economy" rate from the point of origin to California. The Department shall consult the candidate as far in advance as possible in order to obtain the best airfare (at least 7 days - if not, fares have become prohibitive) Note: If the applicant is from outside the U.S., travel must be preapproved by the Vice President.
- Reimbursement is allowed for travel from the candidate's home to and from the airport at the established mileage reimbursement rate.
- Reimbursement for candidate travel to the campus by personal auto is reimbursed at the established state rate mileage reimbursement rate.
- Stanislaus State employees providing transportation for a candidate to and from the airport are required to submit a travel request. An Expense Report may be submitted for reimbursement for mileage using the OI number.
- Enterprise Car rentals (State Contract): Enterprise rent-a-car has an online service for renting a car using a credit card. To obtain the state rate use the Account Number (please contact your Department custodian to get this code) in the "Optional: Corporate Account or Customer Number box. At the prompt for Company's Name enter CSU.
- Travel Expenses for Handicapped Applicants - If any applicant called for an interview has a physical handicap requiring a traveling companion, the companion may be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses under the rules applicable to the candidate.
On-Campus Interview Meals and Lodging Reimbursement Criteria:
- Normally, candidates will be housed at the Fairfield Inn, the Candlewood Suites, or the Turlock Holiday Inn Express. Hotel room rates for 2024 are listed below. Reservations should be made by the sponsoring Search Committee prior to the arrival of the candidate on campus. The University rate for a single room is $84 to $89. In order to get this rate with no tax a "Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver Exemption Certificate for State Agencies" should be filled out and faxed to Holiday Inn @ 664-9998 or the Fairfield Inn @ 668-3833
- The Fairfield Suites charge $144 for a singular studio suite.
- The Candlewood Suites charge $134 for a singular studio suite.
- The Holiday Inn Express Suites charge $139 for a singular studio suite.
- Rooms at the Fairfield Inn / Candlewood Suites / Turlock Holiday Inn Express are to be charged to Financial Services using the OI number and providing the tax exempt form. Candidates should be advised they will need to provide a credit card for any miscellaneous charges since we only cover room charge. The Holiday Inn Express/Fairfield Inn has been advised of this policy and will request payment from the candidates for such charges. Candidates will not be reimbursed candidates for long-distance phone calls, laundry, bar bills, etc., charged to their motel rooms. (A nice breakfast is included with the room at Holiday Inn Express and the Fairfield Inn).
- Reimbursement of meals and lodging will be for a candidate only. Candidates should be informed of this prior to their visit.
- M&IE reimbursement claims:
- Meals and incidentals are reimbursed as a location based per diem of $59.
- Entertainment expenses (including the purchase of alcoholic beverages) cannot be reimbursed.
Reimbursement Claim Procedures
- Obtain the original receipts for all expenditures from the candidate.
- Complete a paper Travel Claim Form for reimbursing each candidate, using the OI number as the Event and/or Purpose. Attach original receipts (including itemized meal receipts) to the Claim.
- Obtain the candidate's signature and the appropriate authorizations on the Claim and submit it to Accounts Payable in Financial Services.
Any questions not covered above, or for more clarification, contact the Travel Office.
Travel Team

Karla Mancinas
Payment Services Manager

Angelina Caetano
Accounting Tech III Travel
Address | Travel California State University Stanislaus One University Circle Turlock, California 95382 See: Maps & Directions |
Building Location | Mary Stuart Rogers Educational Services Gateway Building See Building #27: Map |
Office Location |
MSR 270 - See Map | |
Updated: November 15, 2024