The Auxiliary Accounting Office provides accounting oversight and guidance for the four tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) auxiliaries that support our campus. Our office works closely to support campus departments, Associated Students Inc, Student Center and to provide guidance in interpreting federal, state, and CSU policy as it pertains to the auxiliaries. 

Auxiliary Accounting Services Team

Francine Gutierrez

Dennette Dores
Auxiliary Accounting Manager 

Yvonne Cuellar
Accountant II

Cristian Martinez
Accountant II

Accountant II




Auxiliary Accounts

Auxiliaries are legal (nonprofit corporations) business entities that have been established and organized by the CSU pursuant to the California Education Code. An auxiliary’s primary purpose is to support the university mission by providing programs, activities, fund source used to furnish facilities, goods or services to faculty, staff, or incidentally to the public. Even though they are corporations, they are first and foremost auxiliary organizations of the CSU and must therefore operate pursuant to the specific statues and regulations applicable to auxiliary organizations. The campus CFO is the single campus officer designated to ensure auxiliaries maintain sound systems of internal controls and remain in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including nonprofit law.

Stanislaus State has four auxiliaries:

Two student run auxiliaries:

One commercial operation auxiliary:

One fund raising auxiliary:

All Auxiliary financial transactions are handled in the same manner as University financial transactions.

Contact Us

Address Auxiliary Accounting Services
California State University Stanislaus
One University Circle
Turlock, California 95382
See: Maps & Directions
Building Location Mary Stuart Rogers Educational
Services Gateway Building
See Building #27: Map
Office Location

MSR 270 - See Map

Phone (209) 667-3138

Updated: July 11, 2024