Registration Process

Fall & Spring Term only

Registration Notices are emailed to your University email account if you are eligible for Priority Registration. The notice will indicate your priority registration appointment start time, which is the earliest time you may access your myStanState Student Center for registration purposes. The notice also includes any Service Indicators (or holds) that must be cleared before you will be allowed to register for any classes.

Registration appointments are determined by units completed within class level in the following order: Seniors, classified students in masters and credential programs, juniors, sophomores, freshmen, and unclassified postbaccalaureate students.

Priority Registration You are eligible for Priority Registration if 1) you were admitted as a returning student and have accepted and paid your Enrollment Confirmation Deposit by October 1st for Spring or March 24 for Fall, or 2) you are a continuing student (enrolled in classes within the preceding 12 months) and have not been academically or administratively disqualified, and have not applied for graduation for a prior term.

Eligible students who do not receive an Appointment Notice three days before the beginning of Priority Registration should call the Registration Helpline at (209) 667-3264.

New Undergraduate Students will NOT receive a Registration Notice and must register for and attend a New Student Orientation to register for classes (See New Student Orientation page for dates and more information).


Clear all Service Indicators on your student account in order to be eligible to register. Please refer to the list below for who to contact.

Service Indicator Type Department to Contact Phone (209) Location
Advising Required Department of your Major    
Application fee not paid Enrollment Services 667-3152 MSR 120
Balance Due Cashier's Office 667-3611 MSR 100
Dishonored Check Cashier's Office 667-3611 MSR 100
Dorm Fees Housing 667-3675 Housing Office at the village
ELM/EPT test not taken Testing Services 667-3157 Library 112
Financial Aid Financial Aid Office 667-3336 MSR 100
Graduation Application Enrollment Services 667-3264 MSR 120
Hep B Grace Period/Out of Compl Health Center 667-3396 Health Center
International Student Ofc. of International Educ 667-3117 Student Services Building
Library Library 667-3234 Circulation Desk in Library
MMR Grace Period/Out of Compl Health Center 667-3396 Health Center
Must keep Math and/or English class Advising and Success Center 667-3700 Library 230
Need Valid Address Enrollment Services 667-3264 MSR 120
New Student Advising Advising and Success Center 667-3700 Library 230
Student Accounts Receivable Student Financial Services 667-3063 MSR 100
Other Records Enrollment Services 667-3264 MSR 120
University Police Public Safety 667-3114 University Police
Registration Fees 667-3611 MSR 100
Senior Scholar Advising and Success Center 667-3700 Library 230
Transcript Enrollment Services 667-3152 MSR 120
Veterans Enrollment Services 667-3081 MSR 120


Select Courses: If Advising Required is noted on your Appointment Notice, you are required to meet with your major advisor to select courses. Once you have been advised, your major department will release your advising hold and you will be enabled to register beginning at your scheduled time.

Permission Numbers or a Registration Options Form are to be used to add courses under the following circumstances. Check the Dates to Remember page for all pertinent registration periods.

You must use a Registration Options form to:

  1. Change your grading option after Census Date.
  2. Register for a course as an Audit (requires instructor's signature)
  3. Add more than the allowable units (Excess Units) for that term (requires department chair's signature)
  4. Register for courses that have a Time Conflict (requires instructors' signature)

You must use a Permission Number to:

  1. Add a full class and/or a class for which you are waitlisted
  2. Add a course which is restricted
  3. Add a course without also adding its co-requisite course(s)

Individual Study, Cooperative Education, Thesis, Project, Internship, and Fieldwork: These courses are not specifically listed, but they are offered by most departments every semester. Students must obtain special forms from their departments, Enrollment Services, or find the forms online to register for these courses. Completed forms, including required signatures, must be submitted to Enrollment Services no later than census date.


Your Time to Register: You may register at myStanState Student Center during your appointment time or anytime thereafter during any scheduled Web registration period for that term. Students may not register prior to their appointment. Registering at your appointment time will give you priority in course selection for available courses. Check the Dates to Remember page for all pertinent registration periods.

Instructions on registering online.


Verify Your Classes: After you have registered, you may verify your complete course schedule, including Waitlisted courses, via myStanState Student Center by selecting the "My Class Schedule" option.


Pay your fees on time: All fees for registration are due and payable by close of business on the due date at the Cashier's Office, Stockton Campus, drop box outside the Cashier's Office, or by a Web payment. A payment made using the drop box after close of business on the due date will be counted as a LATE payment. Mailed payments must be received by close of business on the due date. (Refer to the Money Matters section for specific fee payment information.)

On-time payment or a timely formal withdrawal from all courses by the student is necessary to avoid a debt to the University and/or penalty fees. Disenrollment action will be taken by the University for failure to pay fees when due.

Waitlist, Add/Drop/Swap a Class

Learn more about the options for waitlisted classes and how to add, drop or swap a class


If you are waitlisted for a course as of the first day of class, you will need a permission number from the instructor, and you will need to register for the class before the last day to add. Waitlisted students are not moved into the class on or after the first day of classes. If you would like to add a class, please email the instructor. You can find their email using the Faculty & Staff search.


Check the academic calendar for the last day to add or drop a class

Eligible students may add or drop a course online during a scheduled registration period and after the term begins. Instructor signatures are not required to drop a course or to add available courses during the scheduled add and drop periods. To add a course that is full or restricted you must use a Permission Number by the last day to register or add a course. No automatic disenrollment action will be taken for non-attendance. A Permission Number is required to enroll in a class beginning the first day of the semester as well. Students are responsible for dropping courses or withdrawing their term registration through myStanState by the last day to drop a course. Failure to do so may result in punitive grades being issued. You will be liable for pro-rated tuition and fees based on the last date of enrollment.

Drop Instructions

Dropping a class - disenrolling from a class section and stopping participation. This can be done from your myStanState student portal, go to enroll tab, select the term, and then click "drop".

Check forms page for enrollment-related forms and more.

Swap Instructions

You can find the swap feature in your class schedule in the myStanState student portal. On the Swap a Class page, choose "Change Term" and confirm the term is correct. On the next window choose the course you wish to swap and search for the course you wish to add.

Updated: July 16, 2024