Enrolling for the upcoming school year!
Currently accepting waitlist applications for children ages two (2) months to five (5) years. If you have a young child, submit a waitlist application today!
About the Center
The Stanislaus State Child Development Center (CDC) is a licensed laboratory school (Infant Toddler License #500321740; Preschool License #500317738). With guidance and supervision from university faculty, university students plan and implement the Center's instructional programming for children ages 2 months to 5 years old. The CDC's on-campus, developmental early education services are available to university faculty, staff, and students as well as community families.
The Stanislaus State Child Development Center (CDC) serves as a high quality, model practicum site established to provide university students the opportunity to bridge developmental theory with practice through applications, observation, and research.
"Come to learn, leave prepared!"
The Stanislaus State Child Development Center (CDC) promotes the learning of children, families, university students, and the community.
- Children come to learn and leave prepared for academic and social success.
- Families come to learn and leave prepared to support their children's optimal development.
- University Students come to learn and leave prepared for professional careers.
- The Community comes to learn and leaves prepared to advocate for children and families.
"This has been a great learning experience for my child. I have seen tremendous growth in his cognitive and social development."
- CDC Parent
Updated: July 31, 2024