Spring 2025 Employer Connections

These events provide an opportunity for students and alumni to learn more about careers and internships within their field of study, as well as network with companies. The Career Fair also provides recruiting employers a chance to meet and connect with potential candidates from Stanislaus State.


Career & Internship Fair

March 5th from 1-4 p.m. in University Event Center

We are dedicated to curating an environment that connects our students to the many employment opportunities available to them. All majors are encouraged to attend, especially juniors and seniors. Graduate students and alumni are also invited. The event is free for students and alumni.

Person attending Zoom meeting

Spring 2025 HSI Virtual Career Expo

February 26th from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Join the HSI Career Collaborative for our annual Virtual Career Expo on February 26 from 10am – 4pm (PST). This event will provide a virtual platform for employers and students to interact throughout the day. Sign up for your specific appointment times whether it’s 1-on-1 with a recruiter or as a part of a group in a group session through the HireStanState/Handshake portal. Should you have questions about the event or would like more information about the HSI Career Collaborative, please email info@hsicareer.org.

Registration is not required, but you can register for updates on HIREStanState via Handshake. Register and check out who is attending, positions they are recruiting for, and post your resume for their review. 

  • Log in to your MyStanState Student Account
  • Click on the HireStanState/Handshake icon on your student dashboard
  • Activate your account and find the Career & Internship Fair under the Events section 
  • Already have an account? Log in and follow the next steps:
    • Locate Spring 2024 Career & Internship Fair on HireStanState/Handshake
    • Click on Events (via the top menu bar), then click the Career Fair button, selecting the event of interest 

If you have issues with Handshake or registration, please contact the Career & Professional Development Center.


Here are some best practices to help you prepare for a successful fair:

  • We offer both in-person and online workshops on how to succeed at a career fair
  • Check out our video resources on career fair prep
  • Plan to dress business casual, and bring multiple copies of your resume – enough to give to the employers you already know you’re interested in, and extras that you could distribute if you discover other employers that interest you.
  • We offer an assortment of professional attire in our Warrior Wardrobe Career Closet. You can make an appointment to visit before the fair via your HireStanState/Handshake account. 


Career Fairs provide an excellent opportunity to expand your job search and begin to develop a network for professional contacts. Participating in Career Fairs is most beneficial when you are well prepared to market yourself and interact effectively with recruiters.

Career Preparation

  • Review your skills, interests, values, experiences, and accomplishments to articulate what you have to offer to a prospective employer. This also helps you determine which employers and career opportunities you wish to spend time pursuing at the Career Expo. 
  • Schedule an appointment with a Career Coach in the Career & Professional Development Center

Research Companies and Opportunities

  • A list of companies attending the fair will be posted on HIREStanState via Handshake.
  • Review the company's profiles, check out their jobs and internships, and prioritize those you are most interested in.
  • Most recruiters will expect you to be familiar with their organization, so research each company of interest, including their primary products and function of the employer. 
  • You do not have to know everything about them, but consider what draws you to that organization and what else you might like to know about from someone that works there. This can help you feel confident in your conversation. 

  • A career fair is an opportunity for employers interested in hiring Stan State students and alumni to come to campus and meet face-to-face with potential candidates.  Career fairs are a great way for students to meet representatives of companies they are interested in learning about or working for.
  • At a career fair, each registered employer gets a booth or table.  They stand at that booth or table and talk with interested students and alumni who wish to learn more about the company, or are interested in submitting an application for a specific role. There are often lines to wait to speak with representatives of a company.
  • An interaction with an employer at a career fair is often no more than 2-3 minutes, and is a chance for introductory conversation, for you to express your interest in the employer, and often for you to share with them your resume.
  • Employers may have a request for action, such as applying online or emailing them directly after the fair so be sure to take notes as appropriate and follow through in order to be considered as a candidate if it is an opportunity you are interested in.
  • Meet with a Career Coach to debrief your experience or plan your next steps. We are here to support you. 

What if I need assistance or support in navigating a career fair?

  • We are committed to helping all students successfully engage with employers. Students who anticipate challenges navigating a career fair environment, with or without the support of DRS (see below), are encouraged to reach out to us in advance at career@csustan.edu
  • To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Services at (209) 667-3159 or drs@csustan.edu. Stan State makes every effort to honor disability accommodation requests. Requests can be responded to most effectively if received as far in advance of the event as possible, preferably at least 10 days.

View and apply to open jobs or internships.

  • Keep the momentum going from your meetings with employers. Check out their page on HireStanState via Handshake to see current jobs and internships. Recruiters are logging into Handshake daily to find students for open jobs—so it’s the best place to apply! 
  • If you’re not ready to apply yet, save the jobs you like so you’ll get notifications to apply before the deadlines. 
  • Find tips for applying to jobs on Handshake.
  • Prepare for Interviews with employers by using the Big Interview and other Interview Resources found on our website.

If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Stephen, Employer and Student Relations Specialist, at rstephens2@csustan.edu.


Updated: January 24, 2025