Monica Nino

Monica Nino

"Over the past 32 years, I have had the opportunity to serve in local government with over 19 years in executive positions. I give acknowledgment to CSU Stanislaus’ MPA program for creating pathways to these rewarding career advancements and contributing to making me a more competitive and skilled candidate. The program prepared me to become an effective leader not only for the organizations I have overseen but also for the community, in which I serve, as well as to participate and be a productive member on boards and commissions. The program enhanced my understanding and self-accountability for the need for well-developed and sustainable public policy, in addition to a greater understanding of principles of data-driven decision- making, public finance and budgeting, and ethical standards. Since 2013, I have held the position of County Administrator for San Joaquin County, overseeing 26 County departments with an operating budget of $1.9 billion and over 7,400 employees. During my tenure, I was successful in developing structurally balanced budgets, and improving the organization’s outcomes. As a professional public servant, I value making a difference in the community, offering greater transparency within and outside the organization by ensuring local government, community, and public services are delivered efficiently and effectively. I appreciated the flexibility of the faculty in the way they interacted with us working professionals and the various perspectives, and I value the lasting relationships made with fellow graduate students."

Class of 1995
County Administrator
San Joaquin County

Keith Boggs

Keith Boggs

"My time in the MPA program was life changing. I completed the MPA degree and the inspiration from that study have parlayed into almost a 30-year career with the County of Stanislaus - with the last eight of those years as Assistant Chief Executive Officer with concurrent department oversight as General Services Agency Director and serving as the County Purchasing Agent. I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to the faculty and my student colleagues that helped to shape not only my approach to leadership, but my approach to life."

Class of 1995
Assistant Chief Executive Officer
Stanislaus County

Jackie Cavan

Jackie Cavan

"Completing the MPA program strengthened my confidence and capability as a scholar and upstanding public servant. The takeaway I value the most, however, is the program's lasting effect on how I view the world and everyday issues. I’m certain that earning my MPA positively changed the trajectory of my career and I eagerly look toward my future. As a first-generation college student, it's been an honor to attend CSU Stanislaus."

Class of 2019
Lead Transportation Worker
San Joaquin County Child Protective Services

Dinah Copple

Dinah Copple

"Not only did the MPA program give me connections with other public servants in the community that I will cherish for years to come, but it gave me the skills and training that I needed to advance in my career. The Public Policy, Ethics and Organizational Theory courses in particular gave me an increased understanding of how to navigate the complex waters of the public side of the higher education system where I work."

Class of 2014
Program Manager
Extended & International Education
California State University, Stanislaus

Rosio Garcia

Rosio Garcia

"My MPA, along with my Bachelor's in Criminal Justice, has helped me immensely in my role as a Probation Officer. As a public servant, officers are held to a higher standard and therefore must be able to hold themselves accountable and be able to justify the reasoning behind our actions if necessary. Acting in an ethical and responsible manner is a requirement of our job duties. Completing the MPA program and expanding my education has helped me to not only increase my knowledge, but to accomplish new goals."

Class of 2018
Deputy Probation Officer
Stanislaus County Probation Department

Josephine Hazelton

Josephine Hazelton

Download Ms. Hazelton's CV

Class of 2018
Ph.D. student in Public Administration
University of Nebraska at Omaha

Mary-Michal Rawling

Mary-Michal Rawling

"Going through the MPA program at Stanislaus State enhanced my professional career by ensuring my knowledge of the public sector was complete and well-rounded."

Class of 2019
Public Affairs Manager
Merced County Association of Governments

Mary Renji

Mary Renji

"After two decades of working with the State of California in various positions, I resumed my college career in the MPA program to pursue my lifelong passion for learning. I believe that my public service career will be strengthened with the set of skills I acquired from the NASPAA-accredited MPA program at CSU, Stanislaus. It's been a life-changing and rewarding experience. I found that the MPA program provided structure and meaning to my public service values, allowing me to work with a greater emphasis on communal values, democratic governance, and civic engagement. I valued the inextricable connection between thinking and writing and the significance of considering multiple layers of context in public service theory. I give credit to the MPA faculty for challenging my thinking and convictions and inspiring me to achieve at a level higher than I thought possible."

Class of 2020
Associate Transportation Planner
Department of Transportation, Stockton

Amanda Theis

Amanda Theis

Class of 2019
Provost's Chief of Staff
California State University, Stanislaus

Amy Thomas

Amy Thomas

"It has been a life-changing and most beneficial experience. I have learned so much and I apply the theories and principles every day in my work. I'm excited about the opportunities that will open up to me with this degree. I especially appreciate all the time, energy, and wisdom poured into me from the great MPA faculty."

Class of 2017
Director of Enterprise Risk Management & Environmental Health and Safety
California State University - Monterey Bay

Updated: September 30, 2024