Only students on the non-supported GE track are eligible for the ALEKS assessment.

No. The chair of the CSU Mathematics Council has specifically prohibited this.

No. The ALEKS assessment only applies to Math 1080 (Trigonometry), Math 1100 (Precalculus), and Math 1410 (Calculus I).

Please consult the Chemistry Department, the Mathematics Department only deals with mathematics classes.

High school coursework does not earn you college credit, so high school coursework cannot be used to meet prerequisites for college classes.

Twice before registration for Fall and Spring semester classes, and once before each summer NSO or Transfer Student Orientation.  Also on the first or second day of classes each fall and spring semester.

You’ll see your results as soon as you complete the ALEKS assessment.

No. It only means you are eligible to enroll in the class.



No, you can head straight to Calculus I.

Updated: July 28, 2023