Central California Mathematics Project (CCMP)
The Central California Mathematics Project at California State University, Stanislaus is one of 19 regional math projects through the California Math Project.
Funded by the state and federal Departments of Education, CCMP serves K-12 Mathematics teachers in Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Amador, Tuolumne, and Calaveras regions. It provides rigorous professional development, aligned with Ca-CCSSM, designed by K-12 and university educators, to enhance student learning and foster understanding of mathematics.
CCMP is located in the Department of Mathematics at California State University, Stanislaus.
Contact Faculty Co-Directors:
Dr. Heather Coughlin: hcoughlin@csustan.edu ; (209)667-3444
Dr. Bjorg Johannsdottir: bjohannsdottir@csustan.edu ; (209)667-3547
Dr. Lynda Wynn: lwynn@csustan.edu ; (209)667-3593
Registration is open for the following 2023-24 CCMP Activities:
Saturday Professional Development Series
Location: Stanislaus State, Turlock Campus, Science 1, S104
2023-2024: (any 3 sessions- 15 hours/1 PD unit)
- December 9, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Loren Mannard on Burnout: What it is and What Can Be Done About It
- January 27, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. – SMP and You
- March 2, 9am-2pm – SMP and You
- April 27, 9am-2pm – SMP and You
- May 18, 9am -2pm -SMP and You
Sessions are independent from each other.
Free registration provided by the CCMP grant.
Spring 2024 Literature Circle
Rough Draft Math: Revising to Learn By Amanda Jansen
- One unit of Professional Development Credit, at a cost of $40, may be earned by participating in the Literature Circle.
- Depending upon interest, CCMP will provide the book or financial assistance for purchasing the book.
When/Where: Meetings will take place in March and April, and will be set in consultation with those registered.
Free registration provided by the CCMP grant.
Summer 2023 Institute (K-12): July 15, 17, 19, 21
Social Justice in the Math Classroom - Putting Theory into Practice
July 15, 17, 19, 21
9am - 3pm
Stanislaus State, Turlock Campus; room TBA
Free registration provided by the CCMP grant. Please bring lunch.
Prereading: Selections from Seda & Brown's Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom
Participation in the institute (pre-reading, attending and participating in all four days) earns two professional development units.
For more details view the printable flyer
- CSET Information and Practice Tests
- Teaching and Learning Interchange
- CSET Study Guides for Purchase
- Multiple Subject CSET Prep Sites
- Ken's Credentialing Assessment Resources
- MSCP CSET Workbooks I, II, III (with guided PowerPoint)
- Teacher Recuitment and Retention Office
DBH Rooms 306-308
(209) 667-3589
- Teacher Recuitment and Retention Office
- Math Resources
For more details view the printable flyer
- CSET Information and Practice
- CSET Study Guides for Purchase
- Mo-Media.com
- CBEST Writing Help
- Center for Excellence in Graduate Education (CEGE)
CEGECenter@csustan.edu - Student Support Services (SSS)
(2019) 667-3220
MSR 320 - The Grow Project (Greatness Relies on Writing)
- Center for Excellence in Graduate Education (CEGE)
- Stanislaus State Workshops
- Teacher Recuitment and Retention Office
DBH Rooms 307
(209) 667-3589
- Teacher Recuitment and Retention Office
- Teacher Online Test Prep
- CBEST Math Practice
- Essay Writing Tips for the CBEST
- Tips for Taking the CBEST
Stanislaus State Teacher Recruitment & Retention Office
CBEST Review Sessions/Preparation Workshops
(209) 667-3589
Stanislaus State Tutoring Center, Writing Center
Individual Appointment with Writing Specialist
Same Day Tutoring (first-come, first-served)
Writing Center website
(209) 667-3465
Center for Excellence in Graduate Education (CEGE)
Preparing for Timed Essay Tests
Graduate Writing Support Drop-in Sessions
CEGE website
Stanislaus State GROW Project (Greatness Relies on Writing)
Resources to improve/enhance writing skills and abilities.
GROW website
Student Support Services (SSS)
Writing Specialist and Timed-Test Workshops
SSS website
(209) 667-3220
CBEST Writing Powerpoint - Dominguez Hills
Teachers Prep Test
Online instructional videos
Updated: February 26, 2024