Please welcome our new faculty!

Fall 2024

Portrait image of Anne Van.

Anne Van, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies

Anne Y. Van (she/her) completed her doctorate in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the Ohio State University in the summer of 2023. In her research, Anne traces how white cisgender claimants of "transracialism" attempt to reconfigure racial lines through the use of racial belonging rhetoric and appropriation of racialized, gendered visualities to simultaneously expand the power of whiteness and predominate conversations about race, gender, and identity. Anne also cares deeply about teaching. She worked closely with the OSU Teaching and Learning Center for over two years as a graduate consultant and received a teaching award from the OSU graduate school. Outside of academia, Anne is a pop culture fiend who loves bad reality TV, video games, celebrity gossip, and Pokémon.

Portrait image of Artur Silva.

Artur Silva, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor of Digital Media

Artur Silva is a visual artist and educator. He was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil where he attended the Escola de Arte Guignard. He holds a MFA from the California Institute of the Arts. As an educator he has taught at Indiana University in South Bend, DePauw University and Herron School of Art & Design. His work has been displayed at institutions such as the Van Abbe Museum in The Netherlands, the Ludwig Foundation in Havana, the Smart Museum in Chicago, the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Centro Cultural de España in Mexico City, Indiana State Museum, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, among others. Artur has received a number of awards including a Pollock-Krasner Grant (NYC), NALAC grant (San Antonio), Efroymson Contemporary Art Fellowship (Indianapolis), two times recipient of the Christel DeHaan Artist of Distinction Award (Indianapolis Arts Council), Foundation for Contemporary Arts (NYC), Nominated for a Joan Mitchell Award, among others. Some publications featuring Artur's work include The New York Times, Art in America, Forbes, PBS' Many Rivers To Cross series, among others.

Portrait image of Jaimee Cook.

Jamiee Cook, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor of English Education

Dr. Jamiee Cook graduated with her Ph. D. in Literature and a certificate in College and University Teaching from UC Santa Barbara in June 2024. Her research and teaching centers work by multi-ethnic queer and trans writers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries with particular attention to how these texts explore queer identity development in context of various forms of political, structural, and interpersonal oppression. Her work engages with intersectional feminist perspectives, critical race theories, and the histories and cultural production of diverse queer and trans communities. Her current book project explores fiction by multi-ethnic and gender diverse lesbian writers to trace how multi-and cross sensory knowledge can act as a method of liberation and connection for queer and trans people. Her scholarship can be found in MOSF Journal of Science Fiction, The Black Scholar, and is forthcoming in Diálogo: an Interdisciplinary Studies Journal. 


Portrait image of Salvador Ayala Camarillo.

Salvador Ayala Camarillo, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor of English Education

Salvador I. Ayala Camarillo is excited to join the English department as an Assistant Professor of American Literature and Cultural Studies at Stan State this fall. He recently completed his Ph. D. in Literatures in English Department at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. His research focuses on 20th century and contemporary U.S. and Latin American Literature, with an emphasis on the history of literary naturalism and the urban humanities.

Updated: August 28, 2024