2024 STEM 4 PALS Summer Program
June 11 - June 22
Tuesday - Saturday and Monday - Saturday (6/19 OFF)
9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(with scheduled breaks)
STEM 4 PALS is an exciting two-week summer program designed to help you meet Stanislaus State faculty and other students. Must attend all sessions, if schedule permits.
STEM 4 PALS will provide in-person learning experiences, interaction with faculty, and peer mentor leadership. Students will participate in several social and fun STEM-themed activities throughout each day. You will be able to borrow a tablet, and receive a T-shirt, hat, drawstring backpack, water bottle, daily lunch, and many more STEM / school supplies.
The benefits of STEM 4 PALS participation are:
- Meeting a few of our STEM faculty
- Peer connections with the same interests in STEM
- First-time college learning experience
- Help strengthen presentation skills
You are encouraged to apply to the STEM 4 PALS if you meet the following eligibility requirements:
- You have been newly admitted to Stanislaus State as a first-time freshman or you are currently a freshman student moving onto your second-year.
- You have declared a major in STEM (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physical Science, Physics, or Undeclared with a Biology Interest).
- You are a first-generation college student (neither of your parents has earned a bachelor's degree), OR Hispanic, OR from a group traditionally under-represented in STEM, or PELL-eligible.
How to Apply
Submit the application for the 2024 STEM 4 PALS summer program. Deadline to apply is June 5, 2024.
Please contact us at aspire@csustan.edu for more information or questions.

S4P students creating art with laser pens in the Fab Lab

The 2023 STEM 4 PALS group with our peer mentors
2024 STEM 4 PALS video
2023 STEM 4 PALS video
Updated: October 28, 2024