Welcome to the Art History's News and Accomplishments page.
Check out who and what is happening with our students and faculty.

Congratulations to Jordan Jones!
Outstanding Student in Art History, 2024
- Delegate to CSU Statewide SRC, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, 2024:
"Crossing the Line: The erotic narrative of Robert Mapplethorpe" - 3rd Place Winner, Stanislaus State Student Research Competition, 2024: "Crossing the Line: The erotic narrative of Robert Mapplethorpe"
- Student Engagement in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (SERSCA) Undergraduate Assistantship, 2022-23: "Crossing the Line: An exploration into the erotic narrative of Robert Mapplethorpe"
- SERSCA Travel Grant, 2022-23: Getty Research Institute
- Adviser: Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller
Recent Publications of the Art History Professors
Dr. Alice Heeren:
“The Many Lives of Oscar Niemeyer’s Column: The Legacy of Brasília, Coloniality, and Heritage in the Works of Lais Myrrha and Talles Lopes,” Arts 12, n. 2, p. 56-73, 2023.
“Abstraction Lies: Political Dissonance and Brasília’s Miniature Worlds,” PLATFORM, Oct. 9, 2023.
Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller:
"TIME TRAVELING: THE SCULPTURAL WORK OF DEAN DE COCKER,” in Dean De Cocker: The Tide Begins to Turn" (Turlock: California State University, Stanislaus, 2024), p. 2-4.

Celebrating February and March Birthdays in the Art History Program
Our little celebration at Chili's, March 7, 2024.
Left to Right: Angela Esau (Art History Minor/BFA), Professor Ellen Roehne (Art History and Studio), Jordan Jones (Art History Major/BFA), Artist Kat Crossley (Photograph taken by Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller)

Dr. Alice Heeren
It has been one academic year since Dr. Alice Heeren joined our program!
We are so thrilled she is with us!
Recent Publications:
The Many Lives of Oscar Niemeyer’s Column: The Legacy of Brasília, Coloniality, and Heritage in the Works of Lais Myrrha and Talles Lopes
Arts Vol. 12 Iss. 2, 2023 (https:// doi.org/10.3390/arts12020056)

Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller
Recent Publications:
A Phantasmagoria of Owls: Shadows and Layers in HK Zamani’s Artwork, in HK Zamani: Edifice/Oedipus (Turlock: California State University, Stanislaus, 2023), 4-5
Archiving Donna Stein, in Women: A Cultural Review (2022): DOI: 10.1080/09574042.2022.2072624

Congratulations to our graduating Art History majors of 2023!
Back Row, L-R: Lesley Negrete, Sasha Thompson, Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller, Bethany Saint-Smith, and Valeria González
Front Row, L-R: Camila Albertini, Bryce Burton, Dr. Alice Heeren

Camila Albertini
Graduate Class of 2023
Interdisciplinary Studies master’s student, main field in Art History
Master’s Thesis: “Queering Mary Cassatt (1844-1926)”
Adviser: Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller

Bryce Burton
Art History Graduate Class of 2023

Valeria González
Art History Graduate Class of 2023

Lesley Negrete
Art History Graduate Class of 2023
SERSCA Undergraduate Research Assistantship, AY 22-23:
“Nineteenth-century Tobacco Collecting Cards of Female Celebrities”
Adviser: Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller

Bethany Saint-Smith
Art History minor, Graduate Class of 2023
McNair Scholar - McNair Thesis: “Representations of Skin Tone, Colorism, and Reimagining Marginality for Black Women”
Mentor: Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller
Honors Program
Accepted to the MA/Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Humanities Program with a discipline in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Program at UC Merced with Chancellor’s Fellowship for Inclusive Excellence and five years of additional funding

Sasha Thompson
Art History Graduate Class of 2023
Outstanding Student Achievement Medal of Honor, Art History
McNair Scholar - McNair Thesis: “Slow Curating: Rethinking the Concepts in which Modern Works are Exhibited”
Mentor: Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller
Study Abroad in Italy, AY 2022-2023
Accepted to the MA/Ph.D. Art History Program at the University of Delaware with a two-year research assistantship
Updated: May 31, 2024