The Art History B.A.. program provides students with a multicultural and global awareness of art and culture, as well as the useful daily skill of visual literacy–not just of artwork, but also of advertising, architectural structures, and popular culture. Course offerings cover a wide range of subjects within global contexts, encouraging students to become responsible citizens through an understanding of the aesthetic, cultural, and ethical issues present in our complex contemporary world. The B.A. in Art History offers a platform for students to examine, identify, and appreciate the visual arts and cultural production from prehistory to the present in multiple regions and contexts. Art History is also available as a minor.
Students gain exposure to a broad, global spectrum of interconnected approaches to the critical study of the history of art, architecture, visual culture, and museums. The faculty members are dedicated scholars who bring a diverse range of experience and expertise to the classroom. Students benefit from close interaction and mentoring. Art History majors not only engage rigorous art historical scholarship and theoretical texts, producing their own creative research in the process but also participate in courses and practicums that can help prepare them for gallery and museum careers, as well as many other disciplines, such as law school. The skills earned from studying Art History include critical thinking, aesthetics, interpersonal skills, non-verbal communication, analytical depth, visual literacy, and memory and pattern recognition, as well as a better understanding of human cultures and the creative expressions of humanity’s experiences, from prehistory to the contemporary. Students must meet the general admission requirements of the university.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will:
- Recall a broad, critical knowledge of cultures, movements, periods, styles, artwork, buildings, processes, and individuals in the history of art globally and multi-culturally;
- Compare and contrast, analyze and evaluate artwork, buildings, and visual and material culture, using the vocabulary, method, knowledge of artistic processes, and scholarly language of the discipline of Art History;
- Analyze and apply research methods and approaches when interpreting artwork in essays and strengthen writing skills relevant to the field of Art History;
- Investigate professional involvement that is directly or indirectly related to the field of Art History and formulate parallel applications in other endeavors in life;
- Investigate various careers in the field of Art History and related disciplines, implementing specific skills, protocols, and creativity to prepare students for graduate school and/or a profession in Art History and related disciplines;
- Understand the ethical considerations of artistic practices, art historical scholarship, and object collecting and display within global contexts.
Program Elements
Dr. Staci Gem Scheiwiller, Associate Professor, Program Director
Dr. Carmen R Robbin, Professor
Dr. Alice Heeren, Assistant Professor
Dr. Ana Mitrovici, Lecturer
Ellen Roehne, Lecturer
Art Office
(209) 667-3431
Art History Testimonials

I knew that this program was exactly where I needed to be!
When I started at Stanislaus State in 2012, I signed up to major in Art since I loved to create and get my thought down on paper! However, it was taking the class, Art History Survey - Ancient, that turned me toward studying Art History. I enjoyed how the class was taught and every moment was fascinating and enjoyable. After that first class, I knew that this program was exactly where I needed to be! Every aspect of the program, from the classes to the professors, was amazing and prepared me well for my desired career in teaching Art History."
Jessica Curtis
BA, Art History, 2016
MA, Interdisciplinary Studies, 2020

Some of the best courses I have ever taken
"Stanislaus State was going through a hard time when I was there due to the budget cuts in the Art Department that came after the 2008 recession. Classes were only offered every two years ... however, the quality of classes did not suffer from the budget cuts and they were some of the best courses I have ever taken. Dr. Scheiwiller is an amazing professor that allows her students to develop critical thinking skills and is committed to the success of all her students."
Yesenia Munoz
BA Art History, 2012
MA Art Business, Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London, 2020

My experience... is one that I will never forget.
"My experience as an art history student at Stanislaus State is one that I will never forget. I learned to develop a better understanding of art from cultures all around the world and across millennia. Through lectures, coursework, and high-level discussions, my professors challenged me to think critically about the dialogue between art and culture. One of the things I enjoyed most about my time at Stanislaus State was the opportunities that were made available to me. I competed in the annual Stanislaus State and CSU Fullerton research competitions, as well as co-curated the Queer Art Collective’s first-ever exhibition at the Art Space Gallery."
Stephanie Jacinto
BA Art History, 2019
MA Art History Program
University of New Mexico

Art History made me want to learn more about the world, other cultures, different perspectives
“I received my minor in Art History but wished that I had the opportunity to have double-majored because of the current academic direction I have been carving for myself. I started Grad School in August 2020 working toward my MA in Humanities. I researched & struggled a lot with figuring what direction I wanted to go but ultimately found that, though I would like to pursue my MFA one day, I also wanted to pursue my Doctorate. The drive to go down a research-based path is because of how passionate, insightful, & perspective-driven the Art History classes were. Looking at the world through the Art History lens has given me a unique perspective & the conversations that were fostered within the classroom really resonated with me. Doing my minor in Art History made me want to learn more about the world, other cultures, different perspectives, struggles, & connections. I also truly believe that what I learned through Art History, has made me a better artist & communicator within that community.
The Art History program at Stanislaus really helped shape me as an artist (outside of the BFA) & gave me a love for research & knowing more about the world. I still remanence & miss the classes that I took. The path of Art History helps to understand humanity and why we are where we are, what has & continues to drive us, & we can learn so much outside our bubble of perception.”
Amanda Trask
BFA with Art History Minor, 2017
MA Humanities Program, CSU Northridge
Updated: July 06, 2023