Phi Kappa Phi Student Scholarship Award
Phi Kappa Phi awards $1.4 million each biennium to outstanding students, Phi Kappa Phi members, and chapters. Learn more about each Phi Kappa Phi award program below. For additional details including eligibility requirements and application instructions, visit Phi Kappa Phi Awards.
Phi Kappa Phi, Chapter 282 is offering two scholarships in the amount of $500 each; one to an undergraduate, and one to a graduate active (dues paying) Phi Kappa Phi student who will be continuing their education at California State University, Stanislaus during the academic year.
If you wish to be considered for one of these scholarships, please provide the following information.
- Provide your complete name, current/permanent address, phone number, and student I.D. number.
- Provide a one-page personal statement describing your educational and career goals, factors that have influenced your pursuit of academic excellence, and how this scholarship will help you to accomplish your educational goals.
- Provide a listing of your research, scholarship, or creative activity (RSCA) beyond assignments you completed for a class. This list might include a journal publication, presentation of a scholarly paper at a professional conference, a juried exhibition or public performance of music or art, and other forms of RSCA (Note: if you do not yet have a formal RSCA achievement outside of class, this will NOT exclude you from this scholarship).
- Provide one example of what you consider your best research paper that you completed for a course at Stanislaus State.
- Provide short letters of support from two faculty members at Stanislaus State that testify to your scholarly achievements.
Please submit all materials by May 30th, electronically to
The recipient(s) will be notified of his/her selection by June 30th and recognized at the following years' Phi Kappa Phi Initiation Ceremony.
Past Scholarship Award Recipients
For more information on the following awards, please go to the national website.
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi currently awards fifty Fellowships of $8,500 each, six at $20,000 each, and two at $35,000 to members entering the first year of graduate or professional study. Each active Phi Kappa Phi chapter may select one candidate from among its local applicants to compete for the Society-wide awards.
Dissertation Fellowship
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi annually awards ten Dissertation Fellowships of $10,000 each to active members who are doctoral candidates and are completing dissertations.
Graduate Research Grants
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi annually awards twenty Graduate Research Grants of up to $1,500 each to active members attending graduate school. These grants provide funding for research in support of career development opportunities.
Study Abroad Grants
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Seventy-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year.
Love of Learning Awards
Love of Learning Awards help fund post-baccalaureate professional development for active Phi Kappa Phi members to include (but not be limited to): Graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development, travel related to teaching/research/learning, etc. Recipients of the Fellowship award are not eligible to apply. Two hundred awards, at $500 each, are distributed each year.
Literacy Grants
The Literacy Grants program was initiated to mobilize members and resources of Phi Kappa Phi and the higher education community to champion literacy initiatives. Grants of up to $2,500 are available to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and individual members to fund ongoing literacy projects or to create new initiatives. The Society's commitment to the cause of literacy grows out of and is consistent with its mission, which was expanded to include "…and to engage the community of scholars in service to others."
Ray Sylvester Distinguished Service Award
The Ray Sylvester Distinguished Service Award honors an individual who has provided sustained, non-compensated volunteer service to others beyond the realm of academia. The award recipient receives a $1,000 honorarium, a life membership and a recognition citation. The award is given once per biennium.
Scholar and Artist Awards
The Phi Kappa Phi Scholar Award and Phi Kappa Phi Artist Award honor those individuals who demonstrate the ideals of the Society through their activities, achievements, and scholarship. Awardees receive an honorarium, a life membership and a recognition citation. Each award is given once per biennium.
First presented in 1974, the Scholar Award recognizes excellence in teaching, research, and public service. In 1983, the Artist Award was established to recognize the achievements of those who, in addition to their outstanding scholarship, have displayed talents in the broad realm of the arts–creative, graphic, performing, visual, and/or fine arts.
Updated: June 06, 2023