International Sociology Honor Society
The purpose of Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) is to promote human welfare through the association of a fellowship group interested in developing scientific knowledge that may be applied to the solution of practical problems.
What is AKD?
- A non-secret, democratic, international Society of Scholars dedicated to acknowledge and promote excellence in the study of sociology, the research of social problems, and such other social and intellectual activities.
- AKD was founded as the University of Southern California in 1920 and became affiliated with the Association of College Honor Societies in 1967.
Who are the Members of AKD?
More than 50,000 lifetime members are affiliated with more than 500 chapters of the Society.
Why become a member of the AKD?
- AKD membership looks very good on graduate school and employment applications because AKD students are considered excellent and committed scholars.
- A one-year subscription to Sociological Inquiry, the official journal of Sociological Inquiry
- Scholarships available to only AKD students
- Travel funding to sociology conferences for AKD students
- Student paper competitions open only to AKD students
Become an AKD Member
- Must be a SENIOR
- Overall GPA of at least 3.3
- Sociology GPA of at least 3.0
- Must be a Sociology major OR major in closely related field
- Taken at least four courses in sociology
- AKD Application Form.pdf
*Applications are accepted in spring semester
For More Information
Visit the Alpha Kappa Delta Website
Updated: August 04, 2023