What you can learn!
- Knowledge competency in sociology
- The sociohistorical and theoretical groundings of sociology as a field of study and practice
- Understanding of the reasoning process involved in theoretical construction
- The facility for critical thinking, with the ability to separate fact from fallacy, myth from reality
Degrees and Programs
- Bachelor of Arts, Sociology
- Minors: Gerontology, Sociology
- Sociology concentration within a Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies
- Sociology concentration within a Bachelor of Arts, Social Sciences
- Credentials: Social Sciences Subject Matter Preparation Program
- Graduate certificate available in Gerontology/Geriatrics
Gainful Employment Disclosure
2014-2015 Academic Year
- Tuition and Fees - $7948
- Books and Supplies - $1760
- 11-9111.01 – clinical nurse specialist
- 19-1042.00 – medical Scientists
- 29-1111.00 – Registered Nurses
- 29-1199.03 – Nurse Practitioners
- 19-3099.00 – Social Scientists and Related Workers
Further information on these job classifications and descriptions may be found at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational profiles may be found at O*Net OnLine.
Updated: August 04, 2023