Charge & Responsibilities
The University Policing Advisory Board (UPAB) is an independent, diverse, and representative group that oversees and make recommendations to the President regarding the campus’ University Police Department (UPD) in the areas of: policing responsibilities, issues, and concerns; community, city, and campus outreach and educational programming; officer and staff training and philosophy; and the use of fair and impartial policies and protocols that promote and enhance community safety for all members of our community. The goal is to promote a respectful, welcoming, safe, inclusive, equitable, supportive, and affirming environment for students, faculty, staff, administrators, and visitors to the Stanislaus State campus.
The University Policing Advisory Board (UPAB) is charged to:
- Serves as a campus liaison to facilitate strong engagement, trust, collaborative communication, positive relationships, and effective practices between the campus, the community, our city, and the University Police Department (UPD).
- UPAB serves to increase members’ and the campus’ understanding of multiple issues affecting public safety, including crime reduction programs, the role of UPD community outreach and policing philosophy, and how to improve upon the delivery of police services to our campus community (e.g., updates regarding relevant laws and issues related to policing including existing CSU UPD training standards and policies).
- Assesses needs and concerns related to campus policing, community safety, quality of life, and equity of experience among students, staff, faculty, and administrators on campus in order to improve police practices and training, enhance community safety resources, and ensure equity in campus safety procedures.
- Establishes and continually reaffirms campus community expectations for police leadership and command staff and for policing policies and practices (e.g., transparency, mutual aid, etc.) that are consistent with the mission and values of the University and ensures community sense of belonging and a greater sense of physical and psychological safety among students of color, underrepresented, non-traditional, and marginalized communities on campus (e.g., Black, Latinx, LGBTQ+, formerly incarcerated, undocumented students, student parents, etc.). For example, the UPAB supports UPD in creating shared learning and anti-bias environments and programs where officers and members of the campus community interact and learn together.
- Seeks regular consultation and feedback from a wide range of campus constituency groups such as, but not limited to: ASI, Inc.; Student clubs, orgs, Greek Life; Academic Senate; Staff Council; CFA & other Labor Council representatives; President’s Commission on Diversity and Inclusion; Campus Faculty and Staff Affinity groups; Joint City-University Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion; Campus Events Coordinator; Athletics
- Provides greater accessibility, communication, and transparency to the campus community and the general public by presenting and reviewing information, data, and promoting dialogue through public meetings, listening sessions, and social media opportunities to discuss experiences of community safety and community-centered approaches to improving and maintaining community safety.
- Prepares an annual report for submission to the President and the broader campus community at the beginning of each Fall semester of all activities, progress, and challenges towards building trust, accountability, and improvements in policing and community safety, and includes recommendations for the President to adopt in pursuit of a healthier and safer campus climate. All reports will be published on the UPAB and UPD websites and disseminated to the campus and other relevant impacted groups.
- President Office’s Director, Presidential Initiatives (Chair)
- Academic Senate faculty representative (appointed by Senate)
- MSW Department faculty representative (appointed by MSW)
- Ethnic Studies Department faculty representative (appointed by Ethnic Studies)
- Criminal Justice Department faculty representative (appointed by Criminal Justice)
- Associated Students Inc. representative (ASI appointment)
- Student representative from one of the diverse student organizations/populations that constitute the Student Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Belonging
- Black Student Union representative (appointed by ASI)
- Undergraduate student (appointed by ASI)
- Graduate student (appointed by ASI)
- Student Life and Leadership representative or designee
- Housing and Residential Life representative or designee
- Warrior Cross-Cultural Center Director or designee
- Black Faculty and Staff Association representative (appointed by BFSA)
- Latin-X Faculty and Staff Association representative (appointed by LFSA)
- LGBQTI+ representative (appointed by LGBQTI+)
- Asian, Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Association representative (appointed by APIFSA)
- Director of HREOC Equity Programs or designee
- Campus staff member (elected by staff)
- Community member (appointed by President)
- Turlock City Manager or designee
- Campus UPD Police Officer, SUPA member (elected by campus SUPA membership)
- University Police Chief (ex-officio)
Terms and Meetings
- The Chair of UPAB and the Board reports to the President’s Office and as relevant will have access to publicly available reports, data, accreditation reports, and campus surveys related to the police department. *Note that the UPAB does not serve as a police review or accountability board and does not formally review specific police matters. In accordance with CSU system policy and applicable laws, complaints involving police officers may be investigated by CSU Internal Affairs, outside investigators, appropriate campus authorities such as Title IX coordinators, or a combination of the above, depending on the misconduct alleged.
- UPAB members will are appointed for two terms (with the option for possible renewal), with one-year terms for students. Appointments will be made in the spring of each year.
- Meetings will be held two times per semester or as needed.
- The first meeting of each academic year will include an orientation program that will educate new members about police department responsibilities and protocols and the campus’s approach to policing and public safety.
Certain sensitive matters discussed by and information shared with the University Policing Advisory Board may be confidential. Respecting this confidentiality will enable all members to share information and concerns in an open and secure setting.
Printable version of University Policing Advisory Board (UPAB)
Updated: August 23, 2023