Degree Programs Offered

Academic Catalog


The MPA program at Stan State was one of the first programs accredited by NASPAA, and remains the only accredited program in the northern San Joaquin Valley.

NASPAA Accredited

Our Programs

Political Science
Poli Sci

Political Science
David Colnic, Department Chair

Political Science website
Master of Public Administration

Public Administration
Umar Ghuman, Program Director

Master of Public Admin Website
Leadership Studies

Leadership Studies
Nancy Burroughs, Program Director

Leadership Studies website

About Us

A warm welcome from the Department of Political Science, Public Administration & Leadership Studies at California State University, Stanislaus! We offer three popular and well-established degree programs: an undergraduate Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, a graduate-level Master of Public Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Leadership Studies. A Minor in Political Science for undergraduates is also available, and Political Science courses are the key focus in both the Liberal Studies BA Concentration in Civics and the Social Sciences BA Concentration in Political Science for those considering teaching at the elementary or secondary school levels (please see these two other degree programs for specific information about them).

Political Science, Public Administration & Leadership Studies Department faculty are highly qualified, accomplished, and dedicated teachers and productive scholars who prepare students to become tomorrow's successful analysts, practitioners, and citizens in an increasingly complex and challenging world of politics and governance. Both sets of Department faculty—one being primarily Political Science faculty and the other primarily Public Administration faculty—teach several courses in the other program, providing to our community of undergraduate and graduate students a healthy intellectual cross-pollination across these two related, yet nonetheless differentiated, disciplines.

The department actively supports internships, study abroad, student-run clubs and other organizations related to politics and government at Stanislaus State. We promote energized civic engagement and an appreciation for the varied perspectives emanating from theory, empirical study and analysis, and experiential/hands-on learning.

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Updated: September 24, 2024