Course Requirements
- CS 1500 Computer Programming I (Fall, Spring)
- Math 1410 Calculus I (Fall, Spring)
- Math 1420 Calculus II (Fall, Spring)
- Math 1620 Probability and Statistics (Fall)
- Math 2410 Multivariate Calculus (Fall, Spring)
- Math 2460 Intro to Differential Equations (Spring)
- Math 2530 Linear Algebra (Fall, Spring)
- Math 3230 Differential Equations (Fall)
- Math 3400 Set Theory and Logic (Fall, Spring)
- Math 4130 Real Analysis I (Fall)
- Math 4330 Numerical Analysis (Fall)
- Math 4430 Operations Research (Fall)
- Math 4530 Abstract Algebra (Spring)
- Math 4600 Complex Variables (Spring)
- Math 4630 Probability Theory (Spring)
Upper Division Electives:
- 6 units (approved) upper division electives to total 30 upper division Mathematics units. Units earned by taking Math 3030 (Geometry for Teachers) Math 3350 (Applied Mathematical Models), Math 4910 (Cooperative Education), Math 4022 (Mathematics for Secondary Teachers Laboratory), or Math 4940 (Internship in Mathematics) are not acceptable.
Updated: July 31, 2023