Terms of Use
The structure below is to ensure Qualtrics is not used for applications outside the license and that all University Institutional Review Board (UIRB) determinations have been obtained and other relevant university guidelines are followed. Use of Qualtrics is subject to the same policies and guidelines for the use of Stanislaus State computing resources as other policies and procedures set forth by the Office of Information Technology. Users must comply with all other applicable university policies, state and federal laws, including the federal copyright laws.
- Faculty and staff are responsible for general oversight of acceptable and responsible use of Qualtrics among their students and graduate assistants in accordance with university policies.
- Survey research involving human subjects are required to obtain proper UIRB approval. See the Stanislaus State UIRB Policy for help on deciding if your survey requires approval.
- Protect the privacy and confidentiality of human subjects and other institutional information as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (privacy of student information) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) (privacy of patient information).
- Qualtrics will archive and retain survey instruments and survey responses indefinitely. However, users are responsible for archiving their data to other media such as a local hard drive or flash drive prior to expiration of the Qualtrics account. IR is not responsible for archiving data.
- Qualtrics administrators (IR) routinely monitor the volume of surveys and survey respondents for system management purposes. Usage may also be subject to auditing and security testing.
- Proper authorization is required for use of any copyright material or third party logo used in the survey. Please refer to the Stanislaus State Office of Information Technology Copyright Material Access Policy for more details.
- Using your Qualtrics account for non-university related activities is prohibited. This includes personal use or use on behalf of a company/other unit (whether for pay or not).
- Inappropriate language or content in the survey itself is prohibited.
- Sharing your Qualtrics account with unauthorized users is prohibited.
- Users will not SPAM or use other forms of unsolicited mass communication in conjunction with Qualtrics.
- All Qualtrics survey distributions must originate from a valid Stanislaus State (CSUSTAN.EDU) email address. Survey distributions from email addresses such as, Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, or other non-Stanislaus State address is prohibited.
- Misuse of Stanislaus State logos, seals, or trademarks is prohibited.
- Distributing content that is defamatory or obscene and distributing content that conflicts with the best interests and stated goals of the University is prohibited.
- Stanislaus State reserves the right to change, at any time, at its sole discretion, the Stanislaus State Qualtrics offering and these Terms of Use.
Inappropriate behavior/content/usage or other abuse of your Qualtrics account will lead to the following consequences:
1st incident - Warning: A warning email will be sent to the abusing party (as well as the faculty advisor in the case of student use). This email will let the user know that a violation of the policies has occurred and that the violating behavior must stop immediately.
2nd incident - Removal of Access: If there is a second violation of the policies, then the abusing individual's access to the Qualtrics system will be removed.
Note: If the 1st incident is determined to be gross misconduct then IR may remove access to Qualtrics at that time. The label of gross misconduct will be at the discretion of IR and / or administrative authorities.
The surveys created or the responses supplied using the Stanislaus State Qualtrics Survey Software do not in any way constitute official Stanislaus State content. The views and opinions expressed in surveys created with Qualtrics are strictly those of the survey's primary author. Stanislaus State makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the Stanislaus State Qualtrics Survey Software operation or the information, content or materials included. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, Stanislaus State hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including by not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. Stanislaus State will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of or inability to use Qualtrics Survey Software. The user expressly agrees to use Qualtrics Survey Software solely at his/her own risk
Updated: July 02, 2024