Tips for Navigating Your First Year as a First-Generation College Student

The transition to college can be a big culture shock, especially for first-generation college students. A first-generation college student is a student whose parent(s) have not graduated from a four-year university in the United States. Below you will find tips and resources to help you be successful in your first year at Stan State and beyond. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your academic advisor or peer mentor!

Manage Your Time and Stay Organized

It may seem like you have more free time but planning your work, school and personal responsibilities will help you stay on track and lessen stress. Use a planner to keep track of upcoming assignments, exams, and important dates. By managing your time and staying organized you will be able to enjoy some “me” time as well as with family and friends.

Connect to Campus

Getting involved on campus, such as joining a student organization and participating in campus events will help you build a sense of belonging. It will also help you build connections with your peers.

Build Connections

Connect with staff and faculty. Staff such as your advisors are here to help you navigate this new environment, listen to any concerns you have and understand your degree requirements. Faculty might seem intimidating but it’s important to get to know them. Be an active participant in class and visit them during office hours.

Stay Connected to Family

They may not fully understand how college works but can be there to support you along the way. Moving away from college can also make you homesick and staying connected to the family can help you adjust.


Updated: August 09, 2023