Academic Success Center (ASC) Faculty Fellow

Application Deadline - Noon on Thursday, April 25, 2019

Application For ASC Faculty Fellow


ASC Faculty Fellows receive 3 WTUs of funded reassigned time each fall and spring semester throughout the appointment. Each Fellow shall consult with the FDALC and other fellows to develop an annual work plan that meets institutional needs, takes advantage of individual faculty strengths and interests, and sustains a manageable workload given the level of assigned time allotted to the position. Each Fellow shall commit a minimum of 4 office hours weekly in the Academic Success Center, primarily utilized for advising or other direct support to students (workshops, events).

In addition to advising/direct support to students, major responsibilities of Faculty Fellows may include:

  • Serving as a liaison to advisors in academic departments, programs and colleges.
  • Serving as Lead Advisor to one or more Structured Exploratory Emphasis which includes:
    • Advising students participating in SEEs and discuss SEE opportunities with students visiting the ASC (esp. undeclared students and those seeking to change their major).
    • Serving as the ASC liaison to the SEE’s affiliated Advisory Committee, attending all meetings and assisting in meeting coordination if requested.
    • Sharing information with SEE faculty and students about campus events and program matters.
    • Organizing at least one faculty gathering each academic year to discuss curricular and programmatic issues.
    • Assisting the FDALC in compiling MOUs, developing catalog copy, and marketing and promoting the SEEs.
  • Assisting the FDALC with the development of advising materials and implementing faculty/staff development workshops and training activities to promote effective advising models and practices throughout campus.
  • Providing support to students and faculty involved in First Year Intervention programs.
  • Supporting students participating in the California Promise program. 
  • Assisting with orientation and outreach efforts.
  • Supporting new initiatives that include an advising component.


  • Full-time faculty member at Stanislaus State.
  • Demonstrates enthusiasm for and experience with academic advising.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the specific needs and values of our diverse student population.
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the specific advising needs of undeclared and change-of-major students.


Assigned time of 6 WTUs per academic year (3 WTUs per semester). This is the equivalent of approximately 8 hours/week dedicated to the position during the academic year. In consultation with the FDALC and in accordance with faculty workload policies,  Winter and summer work may be available as need is identified and as funding allows.

Updated: July 23, 2024