Check back often for updates. This page will evolve as we continue to address/reflect on best/recommended practices and campus policy.

As noted on the MERLOT website: "A syllabus is a contract with the student on what knowledge will be gained, what content will be covered, the manner in which content will be covered and measured and an outline for accomplishing all of that." For more on syllabi and learning contracts see Pedagogy Community Portal

Current syllabus requirements based on changed made by UEPC in Spring 2024: Syllabus Requirements (document text below)

Syllabus Requirements Policy 
The university recognizes the critical role of syllabi in supporting student learning and academic success. As such, syllabi should normally be provided at or near the beginning of the term to ensure understanding of expectations and to provide information regarding the course and university policies. The following policy outlines the minimum requirements for syllabi across all courses offered at the university:

  1. Course Information: The syllabus must clearly state the course title, number, credits, and semester or term of instruction.
  2. Modality Information: The syllabus must clearly state the course modality (e.g., in-person, online synchronous, etc.), including any expectation for the modality (e.g., on-camera requirement for video conferencing). The syllabus must provide a tentative schedule of meeting times and locations (e.g., classroom or video conference), and whether a learning management system is used.
  3. Instructor Information: The syllabus must provide the name of the instructor, their contact information, and office hours.
  4. Course Description: The syllabus must provide a brief description of the course content, including the catalogue description, pre-requisites, and any university requirement the course fulfills (e.g., General Education).
  5. Course Learning Outcomes: The syllabus must clearly state the expected learning outcomes for the course, including any specific skills or knowledge that students will acquire. Courses that fulfill university requirements must also include: 
    1. General Education Courses
      • The GE area the course fulfills
      • The specific 2-4 campus GE outcomes for the course
      • The assignments by which students will demonstrate improved understanding of each GE outcome
    2. Sociocultural Inquiry (Formerly Multicultural) Courses
      • The specific 1-3 (minimum of 2) SI outcomes for the course
    3. Writing Proficiency Courses
      • At least 2,500 words of formal, final professional or academic writing per student. This word count does not include rough drafts of writing but rather final, edited pages of discipline-specific or academic text.
      • Pass with a minimum grade of “C-” or better to earn WP credit
  6. Assessment and Grading: The syllabus must outline the assessment methods used in the course and the grading criteria. This should include information on the weighting of assignments and exams, deadlines, and policies on late submissions. Courses that have a required minimum grade for credit should include an explicit statement (e.g., Golden Four courses requiring a “C-” or better).
  7. Textbooks, Readings, and Viewings: The syllabus must include a list of required textbooks, readings, and any other materials required for the course (e.g, lab or studio equipment, streaming videos). Any required fees not published in the schedule must also be indicated.   
  8. Attendance and Participation: The syllabus must specify the attendance policy, including any penalties for absences, and expectations for participation in class discussions and activities. Required activities outside of the scheduled class time must be highlighted in the syllabus.
  9. Academic Integrity: The syllabus must include a statement on academic integrity and any university or course policies regarding plagiarism, cheating, mis/use of artificial intelligence and other forms of academic and student misconduct specific to the course modality.
  10. Artificial Intelligence, AI: The syllabus will indicate if AI is used in the course or if the use of AI is forbidden. The syllabus will clearly define the parameters for how AI is used/not used in the class.
  11. Accommodations: The syllabus must provide information on how students can request accommodation for disabilities and any policies related to religious observances or other special circumstances.
  12. University Policies: The syllabus must include information on university policies related to academic matters, including grading criteria and options, withdrawal from courses, and enrollment dates and deadlines.
  13. Student Support Services: The syllabus must include a link to the Student Services Directory.
  14. “Subject to Change” Disclaimer: The syllabus should include a disclaimer that the changes to the syllabus could occur and that any changes to the syllabus will be communicated to students in a timely and transparent manner.

Each instructor is responsible for ensuring that their syllabus meets these minimum requirements. Any changes to the syllabus will be promptly communicated to students. The university expects all instructors to uphold these standards and to use syllabi as a tool to support student learning and success. 

Replaces: 2/AS/14/UEPC – Syllabus Requirements 

  1. All courses shall have a syllabus and the syllabus shall be made available to students at or near the start date of the course.
  2. The syllabus shall include, but not be limited, to the following:
    a)    Student learning outcomes or learning goals;
    b)    The instructor's grading policy;
    c)    Attendance information;
  3. Policy on assignments, due dates, and make-up work;
    a)    Required texts and other materials;
    b)    Faculty contact information

12/AS/82/EX, Approved November 5, 1982, UEPC revised and approved March 27, 2014, Approved by the Academic Senate on 4/8/14, Approved by President Joseph F. Sheley on 5/8/14. Approved by the Academic Senate on May 14, 2024 Approved by Interim President Susan E. Borrego on June 11, 2024 

The majority of grade appeals result from problems with a course syllabus and most grade appeals involve new instructors.

  • To avoid a grade appeal (see the faculty handbook,) be clear and consistent with regard to how grades will be assigned.
  • Make sure that your outcomes and assessment activities are all clearly articulated.
  • If changes to the course are required, make an effort to explain to students why the changes were made. Connect the change to how their learning will be improved. Let students know how changes will be publicized.
  • It is not a good idea to make "out of class" activities mandatory. If you can not deliver the course without student participation in activities that are outside of class time, make sure students are well aware of this requirement on the first day of class.

The most common student questions can be addressed by a syllabus that includes the eight components listed below.


Syllabus Components

FAQs Addressed

Course Goals, Objectives (Outcomes), and Requirements
  • Why should I take this course?
  • What will I learn?
  • How will this help me get a good job?
  • What are the pre-requisites?
  • Do I really need them?
  • Is this class required for my major?
Grading Policy
  • What do I need to earn an A?
  • How are grades assigned?
  • What do I have to do to pass this course?
  • How much time outside of class is required by the average student?
  • Are +/- grades assigned in this course?
Attendance Policy
  • Is attendance mandatory?
  • Do you take attendance?
  • Do I have to be on time? If I am late, should I enter the room or miss class?
  • If I cannot come to class, should I tell you?
  • What is the best way to notify you?
  • I had to miss class yesterday, did you cover anything important?
  • Can I being my children/grandchildren/niece/nephew/brother/sister/neighbor's kid to class? Why or Why not?
Policy on Due Dates and Make-Up Work
  • Can I take a make-up lab exercise/quiz/exam/group discussion?
  • Can papers/assignments be turned in late?
  • Are there penalties?
  • When are papers due?
Required Texts and Other Materials
  • Do I have to buy the textbook?
  • Is the textbook available in the Library?
  • What other readings will be assigned? Where can we get these materials?
  • Do I really need to read the textbook/readings, etc?
Policy on Assignments
  • How many exams/quizzes/assignments?
  • What type of exams/quizzes will be given?
  • How many papers?
  • Do they have to be typed?
  • When are papers due?
  • Can papers/assignments be turned in early for you to give feedback before the paper is turned in for a grade?
  • How will papers be graded?
  • Are there field trips?
  • Do I have to do the service learning activity?
  • I don't need another laboratory class, can I just take the lecture and skip the lab?
Instructor Availability and Contact Information
  • What is your phone/email/office number?
  • When can I come to your office?
  • Can I make an appointment? How do I do that?
Additional Information
  • Can I text in class?
  • What happens if my cell phone goes off?
  • Are we allowed to eat food in class?
  • How will changes to the course be communicated to students

General Education Courses

General Education Course syllabi will include the General Education Learning Goals/Outcomes. It is important to explain to students the value of taking GE courses. These courses expand their knowledge base to make them informed citizens and increase their understanding of the world and their role in it.

Writing Proficiency Courses

A WP course is an upper division course in any department designated as a Writing Proficiency course by the University Writing Committee. In a WP course, students are expected to write as an integral part of learning course content and preparing for their career. A grade of C- or higher in the WP course indicates that the department endorses the student's writing competency.

Dr. Debra Bukko provided an Inclusive Syllabus workshop in spring 2019 as part of the Certificate in Inclusive Teaching program. One of the resource documents provided was updated in 2024 based on her research with resources sourced from various universities.

Inclusive Syllabus Resouces_2024

The Academic Technology and Learning Committee (ATLC) and the University Educational Policies Committee (UEPC) will be considering the issues, challenges, and opportunities posed by artificial intelligence (AI) tools. The Senate Executive Committee recommends that faculty include an explicit statement in their syllabi regarding the appropriateness of using AI tools for coursework.


The syllabus template includes components discussed on this page as well as a variety of supplemental statements. Please feel free to use or adapt both the formatting and the content. The template includes information relevant to both traditional and online courses.

Accessible Syllabus Template

Updated: August 20, 2024