Stanislaus State is currently hosting the Tell Our Stories: Artifacts from the Assyrian Genocide exhibition, which is on display from June 30, 2022, to August 7, 2022. 

Using personal narratives and historical artifacts, this exhibition explores the Assyrian Genocide era - roughly 1895 through 1924 in the Ottoman Empire and Persia - and the legacy of the Genocide. The exhibition tells the stories of several survivors who lost families, endured unspeakable hardship, and built a future for their families across the US, as well as the stories of survivors' children which remind us that the impact of genocide lasts generations.

The exhibition also features several paintings by contemporary Assyrian artists reflecting on related themes, including genocide, diaspora, and resilience. It was developed by Kathy Sayad Zatari, Dr. Ruth Kambar, Professor Hannibal Travis, and Dr. Erin Hughes. 

'Tell Our Stories' can be viewed in our University Art Gallery. It is free and open to the public.

Opening Program

We hosted an opening program on July 1-2, 2022. Visit the link for video from the event.

Closing Program

We hosted a closing program on August 7, 2022, in commemoration of Assyrian Remembrance Day. Visit the link for video from the event. 

Exhibition Preview 

Check out a preview of the 'Tell Our Stories' exhibition. 

Visitor Information

Information on where and when to view the exhibition.


This project is made possible with support from California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit California Humanities.

This project is also made possible with the support of the Assyrian Arts Institute and the Assyrian Studies Association. 

Updated: August 31, 2023