The Modern Assyrian Heritage Project in the News
4 August 2020: We are excited to announce our upcoming exhibition, Tell Our Stories: Artifacts from the Assyrian Genocide, was featured in the Turlock Journal. Two of the exhibition curators, Kathy Sayad Zatari and Erin Hughes, were interviewed about the importance of education regarding the Assyrian genocide that took place during the First World War and the genocide's continued impact through today. More details on the exhibition are forthcoming!
21 November 2017: The Modern Assyrian Heritage Project has been featured in the CSU Signal, the student paper at Stanislaus State. Tatiana Olivera discusses a new course in modern Assyrian history to be offered in Spring 2018 in her article, "Campus Assyrian Trailblazing Movement leads to new Assyrian course." Ms. Olivera is also the president of the new Assyrian Student Club on campus, established in Fall 2017.
8 August 2017: The Turlock Journal covered a memorial event remembering the victims of the Assyrian Genocide and of ethnic cleansings from 1915 to the present. Carmen Morad and the Assyrian American Civic Club of Turlock organized the event, which featured speakers as varied as Assyrian poet Rabi Yosip Bet-Yosip, Reverend George Shahbaz of the United Assyrian Evangelical Church, human rights activist Mona Malik, and genocide research Sabri Atman. The event was hosted by the College of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Stanislaus State President Ellen Junn and Dean of Library Services Ron Rodriguez presided. You can read the Turlock Journal's coverage of the event in "Turlock Remembers Assyrian Genocide."
Updated: June 06, 2023