UnderSTANding Our Community

Students, faculty, staff, and community! Join us for a series of workshops to help our community better understand one another. We'll explore topics that impact our learning and working environment here at Stan State. The workshops start on Nov. 13 and will run through Summer 2025 with two sessions per workshop. Attend 10 out of the 12 workshops to earn a certificate of completion that recognizes your commitment to building an inclusive community. You'll learn something new, meet people, and gain a deeper understanding of how we can make our University more inclusive.

12 Workshops starting from Nov. 13 through June 11
Two sessions: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 6-7:30 p.m.

MSR 130
Sponsored by the University Library & Inclusive Excellence

Upcoming Topics

Come by, meet new people and expand your knowledge. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register to Attend a Workshop

A woman looks back at her reflection in the mirror.

Who has Unconscious Bias? Not me!

Nov. 13, 2024 - Event Details

Unconscious Bias — There are over 150 different types of unconscious biases, many of which are present in our day-to-day interactions with our colleagues and peers at school and in the workplace. This workshop will help attendees better understand unconscious bias and identify how it appears in the workplace and institutional policies, practices and behaviors. The first step in reducing our biases is self-awareness of the prevalence of these biases in our thoughts and decision-making processes.


A group of young people strolling together and laughing.

My Gen is Better than Yours! Communicating Across the Ages

Nov. 19, 2024 - Event Details

Intergenerational Communication — Today, there are five generations in the workplace. This lends to intergenerational dynamics in almost every aspect of work culture. What many may perceive as interpersonal differences and characteristics may well be intergenerational dynamics. This workshop explores generational timelines, characteristics, mindsets and value systems. We also explore communication preferences and the benefits of intergenerational collaborations and mentoring.


Two disgruntled women with their backs turned against each other.

Are you Microaggressing Me Right Now?

Dec. 3, 2024 - Event Details

Microaggressions — What are they, and how do we address them? This workshop will help individuals understand microaggressions and how each of us might be engaging in microaggressive behavior with our friends, family members, peers and colleagues. Additionally, the workshop will address how to respond when you are the recipient of microaggressive behavior in your everyday interactions with others.


A blank - Hello My Name is Name tag

That’s My Name Don’t Wear it Out

Feb. 4, 2025 - Event Details

What’s in a name? Our names are a key component of our identities. Yet, in a multicultural society, many individuals may be forced into assimilation behavior, and all too often, that may include de-emphasizing and, in some cases, changing what can be perceived as ethnic names. This workshop shines a light on the pervasiveness of name-changing pressures in society and the importance of embracing our names and identities as a part of cultural healing and heritage reclamation.


A human head with a brain shaped like puzzle pieces

POV: I’m Differently Abled - Learn About Visible and Invisible Disabilities

Feb. 18, 2025 - Event Details

Disability awareness — 1 in 4 individuals in California have a disability, but over 80% of all disabilities are unseen.  Most of us will work with someone with a disability and not know it.  This workshop helps educate individuals on the different types of disabilities and offers strategies to be more inclusive toward individuals with disabilities.


Two hands holding each other

What is Neurodiversity?

March 18, 2025 - Event Details

Understanding Neurodiversity — Since the early 90s, there has been a steady increase in the prevalence of neurodiversity  in children.  Today, many of our students and employees are neurodivergent, with 1 in 4. However, very few workplaces address the importance of accommodating neurodiverse individuals in the workplace or classroom.  This workshop will discuss techniques and best practices that can be used to make our offices and classrooms more inclusive for neurodiverse students and employees.


A group of diverse employees work in a group setting

Don’t Say That, That’s Not Cool - Inclusive Language

March 26, 2025 - Event Details

Inclusive Language — Language is an ever-evolving process. As society evolves, so must our language, yet we are not always aware of how exclusive our language can be. This workshop explains how some of our terms can cause individuals to feel “othered.” It offers strategies on how to be more inclusive in the language choices we make on a daily basis.


Various people stand in a room holding tape in a pattern that shows connectedness

So how does this Intersectionality thing Work Exactly?

April 2, 2025 - Event Details

What’s all this hype about intersectionality? – As individuals, we all hold specific identities that shape how we see and are seen in the world.  However, when we hold multiple identities, and in particular multiple marginalized identities, then the intersection of these identities affects not only how others see us but also how we are treated daily. This workshop helps participants to understand the unique challenges of navigating discrimination on several fronts.  Intersectionality speaks to the complexity of navigating spaces not just as one marginalized identity such as race, gender or sexual orientation on its own, but in some instances, having to face discrimination for multiple marginalized identities.


Two men shake their hands

Why should we do Inclusive Recruitment?

Apr. 23, 2025 - Event Details

Recruiting and retaining staff with DEI in mind — Recruitment and retention are two areas where companies are often challenged as it pertains to diversity.  Existing research demonstrates how biased these processes can be. Yet, few employees and managers truly understand the depth of bias built into hiring and promotion practices, policies and procedures. This workshop explains the pervasiveness of bias in recruitment and retention practices and offers some strategies for reducing and eliminating bias in recruitment and retention practices.


A peboard that reads: My Pronouns are

What’s up with these Pronouns?

May. 13, 2025 - Event Details

In this workshop, we discuss LGBTQ+IA terminology. In this workshop, we discuss LGBTQ+IA terminology and why it is important to allow individuals to self-identify. We explain the history of using pronouns and how terms have evolved. We also explain the overarching principles of inclusive language about the LGBTQ+IA community and discuss best practices regarding pronoun use.


Bizzini Hall's Lakeside

Why are we Acknowledging the Land?

May 7, 2025 - Event Details

What is a land acknowledgment? Many organizations have a land acknowledgment, but individuals working for these organizations often do not truly understand it. This workshop helps participants understand the history of land acknowledgments, why we do them, what should be included in them and gives examples of how organizations can authentically engage with tribal communities.


A set of hands holds a scale with two weights

Checked your privilege recently?

June 11, 2025 - Event Details

This workshop defines privilege and addresses the different types of privilege that exist in society today.It helps participants understand their privilege and acknowledge how they benefit from that privilege. Lastly, it offers participants simple steps on how they can use their advantage to promote equitable outcomes for all employees

Updated: November 18, 2024