Programs for K-16 Educators
GVWP offers research-based professional learning programs aligned with California Standards, policies and programs. Our classroom teachers provide intensive, ongoing programs tailored to student and educator needs and designed to ensure equitable outcomes. Here are some ways GVWP can help your district build the capacity of your staff to have students meet the requirements of college and workplace literacy expectations.
Content Area Literacy
What it means to be literate differs from subject to subject. California Standards require that content area teachers teach literacy within their subject area. GVWP provides professional learning workshops and demonstrations in reading, writing, listening, and speaking for content area teachers.
English Language Development
Providing ELLs access to grade level rigorous standards is of utmost importance in California. Learning how to scaffold instruction and teach content in all content areas is key to providing access for all students. GVWP TCs share strategies aligned with Common Core, ELD and NGSS to help teachers provide learning opportunities for students.
Supporting New Teachers -- A Writing Collaborative
How can we write daily and across content areas? Our teacher consultants demonstrate how to implement writing and literacy strategies that support teaching 21st Century Skills. Participants will write, respond and revise drafts, explore genre, audience, and purpose of writing as described in California’s Common Core, NGSS Standards and ELD Framework.
Developing Teacher Leadership
GVWP offers professional learning programs for academic coaches and leaders of Professional Learning Communities addressing environment, collaborative strategies, and developing rapport.
Lesson Studies Done Right: Collaborating with Colleagues
Experience how conducting a lesson study focused on inquiry improves students’ learning and teachers’ instruction. Participants will experience the process, debrief the process and receive guidelines for conducting their own lesson studies.
Career Technical Education
Our Teacher Consultants support CTE teachers by providing them with shared instructional language used in traditional classes and strategies for vocabulary acquisition and close reading. GVWP also provides support in surfacing and practicing the patterns found in professional and technical writing; thus, helping teachers demystify these disciplines.
Updated: May 12, 2023