Capital Planning, Design, & Sustainability

Capital Planning & Design coordinates campus capital facility planning and oversees the design phases of building projects.  Maintenance of the Campus Physical Master Plan, a guide for the physical development of the campus designed to accommodate projected enrollment and educational programs consistent with the academic Master Plan.

Development of the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, projected capital improvement needs, by project, for five years beyond the period covered by the latest Governor's budget each year.

Maintenance of the campus Space & Facilities database.  In addition, the division provides support for requests such as:

  • Evaluation of project feasibility

  • Site survey work

  • Preparation of required drawings and the development of construction specifications

  • Prints of campus maps and building floor plans

  • Drafting and the preparation of project contract specifications

  • Estimating

  • Furniture selection

  • Signage

  • Interior design/Space planning

The division also assists departments with evaluation of project feasibility, site survey work, preparation of required drawings and the development of construction specifications, prints of campus maps and building floor plans, and drafting and the preparation of project contract specifications.

The decision to develop, place and prioritize projects in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program is ultimately made by the President of Stanislaus State.

Five-Year Capital Improvement Program

The goal of the Stanislaus State Bicycle Master Plan (the Plan) is to develop and implement a bikeway system.  The Plan sets forth a blueprint for a campus bicycle network and support facilities such as bike parking, wayfinding signs, and education and encouragement programs.  This plan reflects direct outreach and input from the campus community, including students, staff, and faculty.

Bicycle Master Plan

The 2009 Physical Master Plan Update incorporated needed physical changes while maintaining the positive campus character. Since its beginnings, the campus has responded to the dynamic changes that have taken place in Stanislaus County. It is both an understanding of how this change has occurred and its influence on how the campus has taken shape that the Physical Master Plan Update explores.

Campus master planning is guided by the coordinated work of several key entities, including the Campus Master Plan Committee, the Academic Affairs Space Committee, the Committee for Sustainable Futures, and Capital Planning & Finance. These four entities have individual charges, but collectively, they inform the Cabinet and the President on decisions related to overall campus development.

The role of the Campus Master Plan Committee (CMPC), established September 2016 by President Junn, is to assure that the President receives all relevant advice before making major and minor capital planning decisions, including the campus' long-range plan for physical development. Specifically, the Committee will provide input on the following: university facilities master plan; university five-year major capital/infrastructure improvement plan; campus planning & design standards; campus tenant improvement projects; building renovation and construction plans (schematic level); alteration of the campus grounds (schematic level); and other areas of study as designated by the president. Members include representation across division, ensuring critical functions and perspectives are considered in space recommendations. The Committee meets at least once a semester, or at the behest of the president. 

CMPC Supporting Documents

CMPC 2024/2025

Agenda | Notes


CMPC 2023/2024

Agenda Notes

Agenda | Notes

CMPC 2022/2023

Agenda Notes


CMPC 2021/2022

Agenda | Notes


CMPC 2020/2021

Agenda Notes


CMPC 2019/2020

Agenda Notes

Agenda | Notes

CMPC 2018/2019

Agenda | Notes

Agenda | Notes

CMPC 2017/2018

Agenda | Notes

Agenda | Notes

CMPC 2016/2017

Agenda | Notes


Updated: October 04, 2024