The Central California Information Center (CCAIC), under the auspices of the State Office of Historic Preservation (OHP), Sacramento, maintains the historical resources information system for the seven-county service area which includes Alpine, Calaveras, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne Counties, California, on the California State University, Stanislaus campus.
The information system at Stanislaus State serves this regional historic preservation community by accumulating and disseminating numerous types of data including prehistoric and historic archaeological resource records, archaeological and historical investigative reports, the files of the Historic Resource Inventory as well as other types of primary and secondary historic data pertaining to the CCAIC area of responsibility.
Contact Information
Elizabeth Greathouse, Coordinator
Central California Information Center
California State University, Stanislaus
One University Circle
Turlock, CA 95382
Building #2 - See Map
Office: B205A - See Map
Phone: 209-667-3307
Hours of Operation
The CCAIC maintains office hours Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A telephone voice mail system will record a message at any time (209-667-3307), and the CCAIC is online through electronic mail ( The CCAIC observes all University holidays including a one-week shutdown between Christmas and New Year’s day.
Elizabeth Greathouse, M. A., Research Technician III/5, is the Coordinator of the Central California Information Center, acting in this capacity since 1991. Stanislaus State graduate Robin Hards serves as Assistant Research Technician. Graduate and undergraduate students serve as a GIS and data processing technicians, employed half-time during portions of the project period. Students who also earn semester credits as interns, facilitated by Stanislaus State Faculty Intern Sponsors including Dr. Sari Miller-Antonio, Chair of Anthropology/Geography/Ethnic Studies, Dr. Ellen Bell and Dr. Jeff Frost, Anthropology, and Dr. Alison McNally, Geography.
The Central California Information Center, under a Cooperative Agreement with the State Office of Historic Preservation, Sacramento, offers the following services:
- Acts as the official repository and data sharing archive for archaeological and historical information (electronic and hard-copy) within the seven-county area. The center is responsible for the acquisition, maintenance and dissemination of over 26,000 prehistoric and historic archaeological site and historic property records, as well as over 8,000 archaeological and historical investigative reports. Documents on file include the OHP Directory of Properties in the Historic Property Data File inventory, including those pertaining to the National Register of Historic Places, the California Register of Historical Resources, the California Historical Landmarks, and the California Points of Historical Interest, as well as local city and county historic property listings.
- Serves the historic preservation community within the seven-county area including a wide client base consisting of local (city and county), state, federal and private agencies, companies, and individuals, comprised of (but not limited to) members of the general public, landowners, researchers, students, developers, engineers, law firms, real estate firms, architects, architectural historians, archaeologists, historians, environmental scientists, city and county planners.
- Meets the needs of clients who by state or federal law need to be advised about the impact a proposed project might have on historical resources. Projects may vary in scope from the installation of a new cell tower on a less than one-acre site to miles of road or pipeline construction, or property-wide searches for companies such as Sierra Pacific Industries lumber company, encompassing thousands of acres. A letter report detailing available information is provided for every client who requests a records search.
- Assists agencies in emergency disaster situations--for example, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection consults with the CCAIC in order to prevent inadvertent destruction of archaeological and historical resources during fire suppression operations. Other agencies that consult with information centers regarding disaster preparedness include FEMA and OSPR.
- Involves student interns in every aspect of CCAIC activities, from processing new information received, to helping research the client-requested information. Students also assist with maintenance of resources and bibliographic databases, GIS (computer mapping) and document imaging activities. Note: Conversion of hard-copy data to GIS and other digital formats continues as funds permit.
- Provides student interns with academic course credits in the Anthropology, Geography and History departments. The hands-on work-related experience in the Information Center has proved to be an important reference element for employment following graduation from Stanislaus State. Numerous graduates who have interned in the CCAIC are now working in the fields of historic preservation and/or cultural resource management.
- Provides access for qualified individuals to utilize the resources of the CCAIC by scheduled appointments for in-house records searches. A workstation is available for the use of individual clients.
- Provides access to undergraduate and graduate students and others for research activities. Professors from many other disciplines have toured the Information Center with their students in order to acquaint them with the resources available.
- Provides Student Assistant employment opportunities for students who have completed internships and other qualified individuals.
In short, the CCAIC continues to provide essential services to the campus, its students, as well as the local and region-wide community in reference to historical resource preservation.
Scope & Activities
The CCAIC operates under a Cooperative Agreement with the State Office of Historic Preservation in response to Federal law (National Environmental Protection Act and National Historic Preservation Act) and State legislation (California Environmental Quality Act; California Register of Historical Resources) enacted to provide for the preservation of historical resources. Historical resources in California are defined as any physical evidence of human activities over 45 years old, including buildings, structures, objects, and prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, as well as archaeological and historical districts. The CCAIC functions under the provisions set forth in the CHRIS Information Center Rules of Operation Manual that has been approved by the State Historic Resources Commission. The major function of the CCAIC is to accumulate and distribute historical resources information, as well as providing recommendations for historic resource preservation on a local level, as discussed below.
Archaeological and historical resource data are entered on 7.5-minute USGS topographic quadrangles (Maps of Record) and in digital (GIS) format with a Primary Number based on a two-letter county code (and sequential number) as the key identifier. The main resource record/report hard-copy files are organized by county and quadrangle map, a procedure that ensures rapid hard-copy data retrieval and offers cost-effective entry and quality check of GIS data. Resource record and report bibliographic data are maintained and updated in hard copy and in electronic files on a daily basis. Historic maps and data overlays for the USGS quadrangles are available for the seven-county area. GIS conversion is in progress with electronic data complete for Calaveras, Merced, San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties. All incoming data is entered into GIS and into the Resource and Report digital databases.
The CCAIC maintains an electronic bibliographic database of resources and reports for historical resources investigations conducted within its seven-county area. The reports consist of archaeological surveys, excavations, overviews, and environmental impact reports prepared for projects within the CCAIC seven county region, as well as historic property inventory and survey reports. The CCAIC staff assigns a numerical designation (county code + sequential number) to all reports as per OHP requirements. This designation appears in brackets [#] on the CCAIC Maps of Record and is the key-identifier for GIS retrieval. The report bibliography and resource databases are maintained in electronic format in SQL server-Access-based programs.
The CCAIC conducts records searches on a project-by-project basis for Federal, State, County, City and/or other local agencies, environmental impact firms, qualified professionals meeting State and Federal standards, Registered Professional Foresters, and private landowners. Rules and regulations regarding record searches conducted for Registered Professional Foresters are authorized access through a Memorandum of Understanding between the State Office of Historic Preservation and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
Archaeological resource information distributed by the CCAIC is confidential and not available to the general public. Clients receiving non-confidential data are asked to sign and return an Access Agreement Short Form. Qualified professionals with a CHRIS Access and Use Agreement in place may request a designated radius around project area in order to define a records search boundary.
Each records search request must be accompanied by a USGS 7.5-minute (1:24000 scale) quadrangle map (in hard-copy or electronic/shape file format), clearly identifying the project boundary. If the records search is within an urban area, the client must provide a list of all street addresses occurring within the project. Consulting archaeologists, architects, architectural historians, historians, historic architects and landscape architects who wish to have access to CHRIS confidential data are asked to sign a State-wide CHRIS Access and Use Agreement, an Authorized User Form, submit a resume and complete a Statement of Qualifications for Access to CHRIS Confidential Information, and complete a Records Search Request Form.
When conducting a non-confidential records search CCAIC staff may consult the following references (qualified professional clients may also request that these resources be consulted):
When conducting a non-confidential records search CCAIC staff may consult the following references (qualified professional clients may also request that these resources be consulted):
- National Register of Historic Places
- California Register of Historical Resources
- Directory of Properties in the Historic Property Data File
- Archaeological Determinations of Eligibility
- California Inventory of Historic Resources (1976)
- California Historical Landmarks (1996 and updates)
- California Points of Historical Interest (1993 and updates)
- Historic Spots in California (Kyle 1990)
- Gold Districts of California (Clark 1970)
- California Gold Camps (Gudde 1975)
- Five Views: An Ethnic Historic Site Survey for California (Department of Parks and Recreation 1988)
- CALTRANS State and Local Bridge Survey (Snyder 1992 and updates)
- Survey of Surveys (Department of Parks and Recreation 1989)
- General Land Office (GLO) Survey Plats
- Historic Maps and other Primary and Secondary Historic data for the seven-county area
A copy of the Native American Heritage Commission Professional Guide for the Preservation and Protection of Native American Remains and Associated Grave Goods is routinely distributed to clients to acquaint them with laws relating to the treatment of Native American remains and associated artifacts.
The CCAIC completes record searches within three to five working days after receiving the initial written request. The CCAIC transmits records search replies via USPS and UPS overnight. Requests for expedited or priority response service are completed upon request at a 50% surcharge, usually the day they are received. During extremely busy times the reply schedule may be subject to modification or adjustment based on daily workload.
Qualified professionals may complete record searches in-house by making an appointment at least one week in advance.
Archaeological or historical consultants receiving record search information from the CCAIC are required to file resource records and project reports at this office within 30 days of the completion of the final report for the project. Violations of this regulation, established by the Office of Historic Preservation, may result in denial of further access to the CCAIC records.
Historical resource investigative reports are distributed on a project-by-project basis in response to record search requests, and to qualified professionals upon request.
The CCAIC offers assistance to City and County Planning Departments within the seven-county area with pre-project planning and review (aka “Quick Check”). The CCAIC provides a review and initial assessment of the historical resource potential of a parcel split, subdivision application, or any acreage involved in the county permitting process. This does not constitute a formal record search but provides information concerning known historical resources within a specific project area. The pre-project review also helps to determine whether the project has been subject to previous survey. It also includes an assessment of the project area's potential to contain unrecorded historical resources. Recommendations regarding the need for a complete records search, an archaeological survey or historical study of the proposed project area are also provided upon request. A Pre-project Review Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) (for screening of discretionary or ministerial permits) is required to be in place between a city or county municipality and the CCAIC before such reviews can be conducted. The CCAIC currently has MOAs with the Tuolumne County Community Development Department and the Sacramento Office of Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Pursuant to an Information Center standard fee schedule approved by the State Historic Resources Commission as of July 28, 2017, charges may include the following:
Standard Records Search: a minimum fee of $150.00. If the records search requires more than one hour to complete, a fee of $150.00/hour or ½ hour portion thereafter is charged. Copies of pertinent resource records and reports are charged @ 15 cents per page.
Priority Response Record Search: Cost of services plus 50%.
In-house Record Search: $100.00 minimum, per person; a fee of $100/hour per person or ½ hour portion thereafter; copies @ 15 cents per page.
Copy Fee: $40.00/hour, plus 15 cents per page for copies of pertinent resource records and reports outside of the record search process.
Cancellation Fee: A $50.00 charge will be applied when a client who has made an appointment for an in-house records search fails to notify the Information Center within 24 hours that the appointment will not be kept.
Pre-Project Review: $75.00 per request.
Electronic Fees: The State Historic Resources Commission has approved a CHRIS IC Electronic Fee Structure. The CCAIC is currently conducting electronic records searches for available GIS data, as well as distributing records and reports in PDF format when available (15 cents/page) and providing Resource and Report Database Spreadsheets (when available, @25 cents/database row). As new GIS data becomes available for additional USGS maps this data is also distributed in electronic format.
Research Access: There will be no charge if students or other qualified professionals wish to use the files for research purposes. The student must provide a letter from a professor who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards in Archaeology or History, with a detailed description of the purpose and goals of the research activity. However, researchers will be charged the fee of 15 cents per page for all copies made. A copy of all student-generated research papers or other project products is to be filed with the Information Center.
The CCAIC assigns primary numbers and state trinomial designators as appropriate to historical resources recorded within the seven-county area of responsibility. The forms must be computer-generated (or typewritten), legible, and prepared to Office of Historic Preservation standards, as set forth in Instructions for Recording Historical Resources (Office of Historic Preservation, March 1995). Submission of records and reports in electronic format is encouraged. Reports should be prepared to meet minimum standards as stated in "Archaeological Resource Management Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents and Format" (Preservation Planning Bulletin Number 4a, December 1989). Copies of any of the resource record and report manuals referenced above can be accessed on the OHP website.
In March of 2009 the Statewide Referral List of Historical Resources Consultants became operational on a website maintained by the Eastern Information Center (EIC) at UC Riverside. Thus, Information Centers no longer maintain separate lists of individuals who meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards in Archaeology, Architecture, Architectural History, Historic Architecture, History or Landscape Architecture. Further details regarding this reorganization and application procedures can be obtained from the State Office of Historic Preservation website. Please address any questions regarding the Statewide Referral List to the EIC at (951) 827- 5409, or to Eric Allison, Coordinator of the California Historical Resources Information System, Office of Historic Preservation, 1725 23rd Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, California, 95816-7100, Phone: (916) 653-7278; FAX: (916) 445-7053.
In accordance with the CHRIS Information Center Rules of Operation Manual, the CCAIC adheres to the access policy outlined on pages 4 and 5 of this document (copy also available on the OHP website). In summary, clients must establish their qualifications for access by completing the Statement of Qualifications for Access to CHRIS Confidential Information and an Authorized User or Conditional User Form, complying with the terms and conditions of the CHRIS State-wide Access and Use Agreement, and providing payment for invoices. Pursuant to procedures specified in the manual, failure to abide by the above-referenced stipulations can result in denial of access to the Information Center files.
Note: The location of archaeological resources and the resource records pertaining to them are not considered public information and are specifically exempt under the Freedom of Information Act and the California Public Records Act. Please address any questions regarding access policy to Eric Allison, Office of Historic Preservation, 1725 23rd Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, California, 95816-7100, Phone: (916) 653-7278; FAX: (916) 445-7053.
The CCAIC receives a small matching grant facilitated on a Cooperative Agreement basis through the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, via the State Office of Historic Preservation, Department of Parks and Recreation, Sacramento. Stanislaus State provides no direct funding to the CCAIC -- the primary funding source for the Information Center is the fee structure authorized by the State Historic Resources Commission.
Updated: June 30, 2023