Committee on Committees (COC)
The COC shall be composed of seven voting faculty members, including the Speaker and Speaker-elect. Four of these members shall be tenured/tenure track with one additional member who shall be from the General Faculty. All five members shall be elected by and from the General Faculty from a slate of nominees prepared by the Senate Executive Committee with no more than two of the five voting faculty members from any one college, the library, or counseling.
- Make recommendations on committee structure.
- Nominate candidates for offices of the General Faculty and for elective committees of the General Faculty and the Academic Senate except for positions on the COC.
- Conduct all university-wide elections and ballots.
- If an elected faculty representative is unable to serve the remainder of his/her term, and it is one semester or less, the COC may appoint a replacement. If there is more than one semester left in the term and it is deemed urgent to secure a replacement quickly, then COC may appoint a replacement for the remainder of the semester and hold an election to finish out the term.
- Conduct ballots on initiation of or referendum of General Faculty actions.
- Conduct recall elections when so instructed by the Speaker (or Speaker-elect in the event of a recall of the Speaker).
- Conduct ballots on amendments to this Constitution.
2024-25 Meetings
The COC meets as needed.
All meetings will be held virtually until further notice
Important documents
2024-25 Membership
- Kelvin Jasek-Rysdahl, CAHSS
- Sophie Zong, CBA
- Dianne Vargas, COEKSW
- Sarah Bissonnette, COS
- Meggan Jordan, CAHSS
- Christopher Bradshaw, Speaker
- Arya Alami, Speaker-elect
Updated: June 03, 2024