There are four standing subcommittees of UEPC: General Education; University Writing, Assessment of Student Learning, and Sociocultural Inquiry Requirement (Formerly as Multicultural Requirement). Any changes to the charge of the UEPC Subcommittees are approved by the UEPC. The Committee on Committees appoints subcommittee members in consultation with the Chair of UEPC.
Seven Voting Members
- One faculty member from each college
- Two faculty members-at-large;
- One student representative appointed by the Vice President of Associated Students, Inc.; and,
- The Director of the Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is an ex-officio, non-voting member.
The Committee on Committees will give preference to candidates with prior experience with program assessment and, to the extent possible, provide a balance of tenured and non-tenured faculty.
Five Voting Members
- One faculty member from each college;
- One faculty member-at-large;
- Library faculty member is encouraged;
- At least three of the faculty members must be tenured; and,
- The Faculty Director of General Education is an ex-officio, non-voting member.
Seven Voting Members
- One full time faculty member from each college;
- One full time faculty member-at-large;
- One additional full time faculty member from the Ethnic or Gender Studies programs;
- One student representative appointed by the Vice President of Associated Students, Inc;
- At least three of the faculty members must be tenured;
- The Director of the Diversity Center shall be a standing, non-voting guest of the committee;
- Library and Counseling faculty membership is encouraged; and,
- Preference shall be given to faculty teaching or having taught a multicultural course.
Visit the Sociocultural Inquiry Requirement Subcommittee Webpage
Seven Voting Members
- The Writing Program Coordinator;
- One additional faculty member from the English Department;
- One faculty member from each college;
- One faculty member-at-large; and,
- The Faculty Coordinator for the Writing Proficiency Screening Test is an ex-officio, non-voting member.
Updated: May 15, 2024