Professor, Marketing
College of Business Administration
Management, Operations, & Marketing
Demergasso-Bava Hall DBH224
Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2003.
MBA, Adelphi University, 1989
BS in Business, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1986
Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behavior
Consumer behavior, Servicescapes, marketing practices in tourism
- Chronis, T. (2024). The edifiying body: the role of embodied practices in the social production of servicescapes. Journal of Service Theory and Practice.
- Chronis, A. (2019). The Staging of Contested Servicescapes. Journal of Service Research, 22(4), 456-473.
- Chronis, A. (2015). Moving Bodies and the Staging of the Tourist Experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 55, 124-140.
- Chronis, A. (2015). Substantiating Byzantium: The role of artifacts in the co-construction of narratives. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 14(3), 180-192.
- Chronis, A. (2012). Between Place and Story: Gettysburg as Tourism Imaginary. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(4), 1797-1816.
- Chronis, A. (2012). Tourists as Story-Builders: Narrative Construction at a Heritage Museum. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 29(5), 444-459.
- Chronis, A., Arnould, E., Hampton, R. (2012). Gettysburg Re-Imagined: The Rolse of Narrative Imagination in Consumption Experience. Consumption Markets & Culture, 15(3), 261-286.
- Chronis, A., Hamton, R.D. (2008). Consuming the Authentic Gettysburg: How a Tourist Landscape Becomes an Authentic Experience. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 7(2), 111-126.
- Chronis, A. (2008). Co-Constructing the Narrative Experience: Staging and Consuming the American Civil War at Gettysburg. Journal of Marketing Management, 24(1-2), 5-27.
- Chronis, A. (2006). Heritage of the Senses: Collective Remembering as an Embodied Praxis. Tourist Studies, 32(2), 386-406.
- Chronis, A. (2005). Our Byzantine Heritage: Consumption of the Past and its Experiential Benefits. Journal of Consuming Marketing, 22(4), 213-222.