For nurses who received their LVN license and wish to obtain their BSN. LVN applicants are admitted on a space-availability basis to our pre-licensure program in the 3rd semester. LVN students complete 4 semesters of nursing coursework as outlined in the LVN-BSN roadmap to obtain their BSN. Please review the steps below:

  1. Review the roadmap PDF below
  2. Take the ATI TEAS at any institution or online through Be sure to have them sent to Stanislaus State (not Stanislaus State UEE) through ATI. You need at least a 70% on one of your first three attempts.
  3. Email with a copy of your active, unrestricted, California LVN license with no disciplinary action pending or imposed (LVN-BSN) and a copy of your TEAS with a 70 percent or better.
  4. We will reply with information for you to take the RN Fundamentals ATI (in June) and RN Pharmacology ATI (in July) and then apply to the program in August.
  5. We will send you to the Cashier's Office to pay the test fee, and you will return the fee receipt to Nursing.
  6. Please fill out the Cash & Cash Equivalents Transfer Form  with the Cashiers Code set to T400. Fund is “ATI Testing”. Each test is 60 dollars. Both tests together are 120 dollars total.
  7. Please email your receipt to the School of Nursing to confirm your testing date. The Nursing Office will follow up with you on your tests.
  8. Once you pass all three ATI tests, you will be placed on a list to be admitted to the pre-licensure BSN program based on availability.

LVNs are admitted on a space-availability basis to our pre-licensure program. LVN students complete a starting semester, 4th, 5th, and 6th semesters as outlined in the roadmap to obtain their BSN

LVN-BSN Information (space available basis)

Supplemental Information


  • Sciences: Chemistry (Organic, inorganic, general, OR biochemistry 3 units, Anatomy w/lab = 4 units, Physiology w/lab = 4 units, and Microbiology w/lab 4 units.
  • Non- Science: English Composition, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Statistics
  • Look for the LVN to BSN “Information Roadmap” at under the pre-licensure tab

  • Yes! Check the Equivalence Grid (HECCC) on the website to see which local community college courses match up with the CSUS requirements, or log onto to check other community college equivalencies for the state. If you cant find an equivalency on either of those two sites, email the School of Nursing with a copy of the course descriptions and ask if they are equivalent. If your pre-requisites were taken at a non-accredited school, they might not be transferable. You can check with enrollment services to verify if your school was accredited and courses are transferable.

  • The nursing major is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree. Nursing is a science based discipline with a foundation in evidence based practice.

  • Applicants earn points based on overall GPA, Science & non-science GPA, and a TEAS test score. Optional points are awarded for 2nd language ability, healthcare experience, residing within the 6 county service area, and completing your pre-requisite courses at Stan State.
  • A score is assigned for each of the areas, and an overall score is calculated. The admission list is generated by the overall score, with the top 2 candidates and the remainder are alternates. All applicants will receive a letter notifying them of their status.

  • Traditionally we do go into the alternate list. Because nursing is an impacted program everywhere, students apply from all over the state. Often times students accept offers closest to their home - resulting in an opening for another student.
  • If you are an alternate and still need to complete a course for admission, complete that course as you may be the next candidate on the alternate list when a space opens up. If you haven’t completed all the pre-req’s you won’t be able to begin the program.

  • This is a multiple-choice assessment of your basic academic knowledge in reading, mathematics, science, English, and language usage. The objectives assessed on the TEAS exam are those which nurse educators nationally deemed most appropriate and relevant to measure entry level skills and abilities of nursing program applicants.
  • There is a time limit of 209 minutes to take the computerized test. The questions are “four-option” multiple-choice with 170 total questions. Calculators may be used for the test.
  • Average admission scores range: 84% - 87%. A minimum of 70% (TEAS) is required to apply.
  • You may retake the TEAS test only twice (a total of 3) for admission to our program. If your first three attempts resulted in scores less than 70%, you do not qualify to apply.

  • Follow the link to the ATI-TEAS website by clicking on “What is the TEAS & How Do I Register” found on the LVN to BSN page
  • The test is scheduled on the CSUS campus and is also held on other university and community college campuses that use TEAS testing.

  • Historically we have had very few applicants for the LVN to BSN program so the chances of being accepted is high

  • Currently 2 students are admitted each Spring

  • Overall GPA score: 3.7-3.8
  • Science GPA score: 3.7-3.8
  • Non-Science GPA score: 3.8-3.9

  • The actual nursing courses take 2 years to complete; however, completion of prerequisites is NOT included in those 3 years.
  • There is time “built-in” to the nursing program for the completion of General Education requirements. Review the Roadmap on the Nursing website to see where you might be able to fit extra classes into your schedule.

  • No, the program is sequential; each course builds upon another throughout the program. You remain with the same cohort of students throughout.
  • You may not take any nursing courses until you are accepted into the program.
  • You may not move to the next semester until you successfully complete the semester before.

  • If you leave the program for personal or medical reasons and wish to return, you may apply to rejoin the next cohort where you left off, on a “space available” basis.
  • If you leave the program for course failure, you may petition to return to the program at the start of the semester you failed. Return to the program is based on the reasons for failure, the corrective actions planned, and space available. Your petition is brought before faculty and a majority vote to return must occur in order to return.

  • A cohort is what we call a group of students admitted together each semester based on the year & semester that they will graduate. Once you have completed the first semester with a variety of cohorts, you will enter the 4th semester and move through the remaining semesters as a cohort, with the same students in each class/semester.

  • You begin clinicals at the start of your entry into the 4th semester.

  • There is a school uniform and it costs about $150.00 for the set of scrub pants, scrub top and lab coat that are purchased in the University Bookstore.
  • You will also need a black pair of leather work shoes, a watch with a second hand and a stethoscope for the clinical setting.

  • Our clinical placements are as far south as Madera and as far north as Stockton. We do not place you in clinical sites based on where you live. We want you to experience as many facilities as possible.

  • No. We strive to rotate students through each of the clinical sites in order to provide students with diverse experiences available within the Central Valley.

  • Our passing rate for first time test takers is between 95-100%!

  • We are proud to say that we were accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) in 2006. Our program received a 10 year accreditation, which is the highest recognition earned.

  • Many RN positions, especially those with supervisory roles, require applicants to have a B.S.N.
  • The B.S.N. curriculum gives students a broad knowledge of professionalism, nursing theory, and research, which lays the foundation for further study and prepares you to be tomorrows nursing leaders.
  • B.S.N. graduates can work in almost any setting, including traditional health-care facilities such as clinics, nursing homes, and hospitals; in businesses such as book publishers, pharmaceutical and insurance companies, and law firms; and in other places, such as schools, psychiatric units, and home-care agencies.
  • The B.S.N. degree also opens the door for professional certification in specialty areas of nursing practice and leads to an expanded role as a provider, designer, manager, and coordinator of patient care as well as provides the foundation for graduate education.

  • You will also earn Public Health Nurse Certification which allows you to apply/work in the Public Health setting.

  • The main difference in study between an A.D.N. and B.S.N. is the emphasis on additional education in professionalism, leadership and management, wellness, research, and community nursing.
  • B.S.N. prepared nurses possess greater knowledge of health promotion, disease prevention, and risk reduction as well as illness and disease management, and are prepared to assist individuals, groups, and communities to prevent disease and achieve optimum levels of wellness.

  • That’s an individual choice each person needs to make for themselves, but there is an increased emphasis on baccalaureate education for nursing.
  • Increased education leads to increased responsibilities and increased career opportunities which give rise in turn to increased pay.

  • Our small cohort size encourages closeness and provides support for students in the difficult major of nursing.
  • Our NCLEX passing rate is in the 95-100% range.
  • We have very little attrition from our program, most students who start in our program – finish our program.
  • You will complete 810 hours of clinical experience in our program, which gives you lots of “hands-on” patient care practice.
  • We have a diverse makeup in our student cohorts, with about 50% of our students coming from ethnic minorities.
  • The faculty will support you through your journey to becoming a registered nurse

  • Tuition for 4 years approximately $22,000 but can change each year.
  • Books cost approximately $100 - $500.00 semester
  • Course Fees – range from $9.00 to $150.00 each semester.
  • Miscellaneous fees are your uniform & shoes, a watch with a second hand, a stethoscope, and gas to & from clinical.

  • The University Financial Aid department has many resources available. Their information and forms are located on the University website under financial aid.
  • There also are scholarships available through the Financial Aid/Scholarship Department and the School of Nursing.

Updated: February 07, 2025