Fresh produce from the Stanislaus State’s Sustainable Garden will be on sale to the campus community for the final time this academic year on Wednesday, May 1, in the Quad near Main Dining. The produce is handpicked and sold by agriculture marketing students.
StanFresh is a produce market run by students in the Agricultural Markets and Pricing class taught by Assistant Professor of Economics Agness Mzyece each spring.
“StanFresh is an opportunity for the community to experience what the agriculture program is doing,” Mzyece said. “It’s like how an arts program will have an event to showcase performances that students in the program have been working on.”
StanFresh provides a way for campus and broader community members to taste fresh produce that students in the agriculture program have grown. Citrus and cherry trees and grape vines are part of the Sustainable Garden managed by Stan State alumnus and master gardener Hector Vera.
Vera said he is excited about the market and what it can do to help students majoring in agriculture. It also provides opportunities to make connections and build community.
“When we sell to the campus community, we showcase what our program is doing,” Mzyece said. “StanFresh is an opportunity for the community to experience what the agriculture program is doing; the produce we sell is fresh and sometimes it’s a new variety on the market.”
Limequats and mandarinquats are among the specialty crops students grew, and they will share information about the crops at the market.
The funds raised by the StanFresh Market help sustain the garden’s operation. The goal is for the garden to be completely self-sustaining and continue to allow students to keep using it for experiential learning.
Beyond raising the crops, students in the class gain real-world experience as they learn marketing skills.
“They decide how to package the produce, what price to charge, how to advertise and how to divide themselves as a team to successfully sell a produce,” Mzyece said. “This complements the marketing theory they learn in class.”
StanFresh has been solely operated and promoted by the agricultural program. To further the reach and impact of the market, StanFresh collaborates with campus partners. Access to refrigeration facilities was made possible by Warrior Eats, the company providing campus food services operated by Chartwells.
Mzyece said the collaboration increased the reach and capabilities of the market and led to a partnership with Stan State’s Basic Needs program, which provides resources to students experiencing food, housing and/or financial insecurity.
Through that partnership, Basic Needs, which provides canned and boxed food staples, issues StanFresh vouchers to students, enabling them to purchase fresh produce.
“The three-way partnership between StanFresh, Warrior Eats and Basic Needs led to a successful StanFresh Market on March 6, the first of many more to come under this partnership,” Mzyece said.
Non-agriculture students interested in gardening or farming may volunteer at the StanFresh Market.
“StanFresh Market is more than a market in the lens of Stan State Basic Needs,” said Basic Needs CalFresh Coordinator Alexa Aguirre Sanchez. “It is a movement toward a healthier, happier campus community, where we can cultivate wellness and sustainability among college students, because healthy habits are a foundation for academic success.”
People can partner with StanFresh by encouraging others to buy its produce. Additionally, departments, organizations and individuals can order gift baskets of fruits, vegetables and cut flowers for colleagues, staff, faculty or students and surprise them with a delivery.
“This is a great way for departments to show appreciation for a hardworking colleague, not only giving them a healthy gift but also contributing to sustaining student activities at the Sustainable Garden,” Mzyece said.
Spring 2024 StanFresh Markets were held in March and April and will conclude with the last market on Wednesday, May 1. Those interested in purchasing a basket, making a donation, exploring a partnership or volunteering may contact Mzyece at (209) 664-6618.