Cohort 2 Activities

I. Summer Institute

  • May 26: Reflection, Collaboration, and Mental Wellness. Featured speaker: Karen Oehme
  • May 27: Equitable and Inclusive Teaching. Featured speaker: Dr. Raja Bhattar
  • May 28: Digital and Open Pedagogy. Featured speaker: Dr. Karen Cangialosi

CIENCIA Faculty, access all Summer Institute resources on our Canvas page.

II. Fall Collaborative

The Monday and Tuesday prior the three non-instructional work days at the beginning of the Fall 2020 semester (8/17-8/18). Cohort 2 faculty participants will work collaboratively in small goups, either with their fall teaching square or with their curriculum collaboration group, attend mini-workshops, as well as work individually to revise their syllabus and curriculum and plan for their fall classes.

III. Academic Year: Fall 2020 and Spring 2021

Cohort 2 CIENCIA faculty will apply and be selected into one of two tracks:

1. Teaching Squares: groups of 3-4 faculty will visit each other's classes and meet regularly (2x/month) to discuss teaching practices, in a supportive, friendly environment. This is the academic year model used in Cohort 1 of the CIENCIA program. Faculty who apply to this track will be placed in a group with other faculty based on their teaching schedules and common pedagogical interests. Faculty will take part in the teaching square for both the Fall and Spring semesters, although the group composition may change between the two semesters.

2. Curriculum Collaboration: groups of 2-3 faculty will collaborate on revising some aspect of the curriculum around one course, or two closely related courses. Focal courses should be gateway courses for STEM majors, i.e. courses that currently serve as barriers to retention and graduation of STEM majors, especially introductory, lower-division courses. The Curriculum Collaboration track is designed to support curricular changes in courses taught by multiple instructors, with the goal of applying evidence-based and culturally-responsive teaching practices to enact changes that promote student success across multiple class sessions and across multiple terms and years. Example projects might include (1) developing several new laboratory activities around an inquiry-based research project (CURE), (2) standardizing approaches to active learning or assesment across lecture sections, or (3) coordinating curriculum across two courses that students frequently take in sequence or simultaneously. Faculty who apply to this track will need to identify their team, the course(s) they will redesign, the problem(s) they will address, and the general approach they plan to take. Curriculum collaboration teams have the option of working on their project over one or two semesters.

IV. Winter Summit: January 25, 2021

The Monday prior to the academic workdays at the beginning of the spring semester (1/26, 1/27). At the winter summit, CIENCIA faculty participants will share their challenges and successes from the Fall semester and discuss their plans for the Spring semester. We will also have time for individual and collabortive work on syllabi and curriculum to plan for the Spring semester.


  • Full participation in the Summer Institute, Fall Work Days, and Winter Summit will be compensated at $250 per day in special consultant pay ($1500 for all six days).
  • Participation in academic year activities (Teaching Squares or Curriculum Collaboration) will be compensated with 2 WTU of reassigned time, to be taken during Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 (or one unit in each semester).

Requirements: Faculty selected in join the Cohort 2 CIENCIA cohort are expected to participate in the following:

  • Attend and fully participate in three full days of the Summer Institute, two Fall Collaborative days, and the one-day Winter Summit.
  • Attend regular (2x/month) meetings with your Teaching Square or Curriculum Collaboration team during the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Allow CIENCIA research assistants to collect assessment data in Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 classes.
  • Curriculum collaboration teams are expected to complete a short report that describes the curricular changes that were developed and instituted.


Application Instructions: Submit your application via this qualtrics survey by Monday March 9, 2020 at 5pm. The application should take about 10 minutes. For the Curriculum Collaboration track, faculty should identify their team and focal course prior to applying, and each faculty participant should complete a separate application.

Apply Today!

Updated: August 08, 2023