We Anticipate Positions | Linguistic Landscape

CASA anticipates paid Research Assistant positions for the project Linguistic Landscape. Dr. Maldonado-Valentín will be leading this project as Principal Investigator and Dr. Díaz-Garayúa (co-Investigator) will support it.  Students interested in this project must be interested in language, or more broadly in the humanities, and geography, or more broadly the social sciences. Ideal candidates should be interested in linguistics, languages or human geography. 

This projects is expected to start in the Academic Year 2023-2024. Please, contact both Drs. Maldonado-Valentín and Díaz-Garayúa for more information using the subject CASA-Linguistic Landscape.

Do you need an Internship?

CASA welcomes a limited number of interns.  In the past, CASA has open its doors to students from different majors across campus as well as different programs including the Honors Program. Interns gain knowledge in hands-on research projects.  These types of experiences help you to solidify your professional path.  For more information contact Dr. Díaz-Garayúa via e-mail jdiazgarayua@csustan.edu.

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Updated: August 11, 2023