WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC)
The WASC Senior College and University Commission (”the Commission”) is a regional accrediting agency serving a diverse membership of public and private higher education institutions throughout California, Hawaii, and the Pacific as well as a limited number of institutions outside the U.S. Through its work of peer review, based on standards agreed to by the membership, the Commission encourages continuous institutional improvement and assures the membership and its constituencies, including the public, that accredited institutions are fulfilling their missions in service to their students and the public good.
The WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as certifying institutional eligibility for federal funding in a number of programs, including student access to federal financial aid.
From the 2023 Handbook of Accreditation
"The Standards of Accreditation consist of four broad, holistic statements that reflect widely accepted good practices in higher education. The four standards are:
- Standard 1: Defining Institutional Mission and Acting with Integrity
- Standard 2: Achieving Educational Objectives and Student Success
- Standard 3: Assuring Resources and Organizational Structures
- Standard 4: Creating and Institution Committed to Quality Assurance and Improvement
Additional information on the WSCUC Standards (Standards At A Glance) can be found on the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) website.
Reaffirmation of Accreditation
The WASC Senior College and University Commission Action Letter was issued on July 12, 2019. The WSCUC Commission reaffirmed accreditation for a period of eight years, with the next reaffirmation review scheduled for 2026-2027.
View 2019 Reaffirmation Documents on SharePoint
Based on the Commission Action Letter, the following schedule has been established through 2027:
March 01, 2022 | Interim Report related to Stockton Campus |
Fall 2026 | Offsite Review |
Spring 2027 | Accreditation Visit |
Interim Report For Stockton 2022
The WASC Interim Report Committee provided their findings on the Stanislaus State interim report related to the Stockton Campus in August 2022, which included three commendations and no recommendations.
- Stanislaus State has navigated the COVID-era with integrity and a focus on quality as it sought to serve its students in the context of addressing the issues of this report. The university should be commended for providing excellent materials and plans for their Stockton campus despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic.
- The institution has experienced a high degree of leadership changes and appears to have in place a team situated to meet current needs as well as prepare for a positive future.
- Stanislaus State has made excellent progress on implementing a strategic plan, which includes work in creating strong partnerships in the community and working with the CSU Chancellor's office to ensure adequate funding for the Stockton campus.
The next full reaccreditation cycle will include an off-site review in fall 2026 and on-site visit in spring 2027.
2022 Interim Report
- WASC Interim Report Progress Summary- 2022
- Stanislaus State Stockton Interim Report - 2022
- Interim Report Attachments: Stockton Campus Operational Log - Spring 2020
- Stockton Campus Action Steps: 2017-2019
View 2022 Interim Report Documents on SharePoint
WSCUC Resources and Links
2018-2019 Reaffirmation of Accreditation Process and Resources
Reaffirmation of Accreditation Self-Study Review Process
Stages of the Self-Study Review Process
During the 2016-17 and 2017-18 academic years, the institution underwent an intensive multi-phased, multi-pronged self-study that involved University stakeholders across the Turlock and Stockton campuses. The self-study conducted by the University’s WASC Steering Committee included several stages, at times overlapping, informing the process as it was evolving.
In addition, An extensive university-wide validation process of the institutional report was conducted which culminated with an affirmative vote as a consent item by Academic Senate on May 8, 2018.
Early Self-Study Data
Early self-study data gathered from the Transition Team and USPC, in addition to other institutional reports, including the University’s Graduation Initiative 2025: First-Year Results and the institution’s National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2017 and Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) 2017 reports informed the development of an organic University-driven list of Strengths, Challenges, and Priorities Moving Forward. Factors Contributing to Financial Stability and Sustainability.
Stanislaus State is positioned for financial stability and sustainability. Since 2012, the University increased its reserves by approximately $9M, from approximately $16M to $25 million. This strong footing is a result of several factors contributing to its overall financial picture.
Response to Previous Commission Actions
Since its last full reaffirmation of accreditation review, with its Capacity Preparatory Review in Fall 2008 and its Educational Effectiveness Review (EER) in Spring 2010, California State University, Stanislaus underwent two Special Visit reviews, with the first Special Visit Onsite Review in Fall 2011, and the most recent Special Visit Onsite Review on October 1-3, 2014.
As documented in its March 6, 2015 letter, the Commission recommended continued work in the following three areas:
- Shared Governance and Institutional Climate (CFR 3.7);
- Strategic Planning (CFRs 4.6, 4.7); and
- Scholarship and Creative Activity (CFRs 2.8, 2.9, 3.2, 3.7)
The University has taken significant proactive steps to make substantial progress in each of these three areas, with strong evidence supporting our achievements.
- Institutional Report Validation
- GI First Year Results
- National Survey of Student Engagement 2017 Snapshot
- Faculty Survey of Student Engagement 2017 Snapshot
- Self-Study Review
- Factors Contributing to Financial Stability and Sustainability
- Response to Previous Commission Actions
View 18-19 Self Study and Review Process Documents on SharePoint
WSCUC Institutional Report
Essay 2: Appendix 2.1
Essay 2: Appendix 2.2
Essay 3: Appendix 3.1
Essay 3: Appendix 3.2
Essay 5: Appendix 5.1
Essay 5: Appendix 5.2
Essay 5: Appendix 5.3
Essay 7: Appendix 7
As part of our WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) reaffirmation of accreditation process, the University received on December 20, 2018 the Lines of Inquiry (LOIs) from the WASC Review Team. The LOIs were written following the Team’s review of our Institutional Report, submitted September 2018, and describe areas that will form the primary focus of the accreditation visit scheduled April 2-5, 2019.
Any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the LOIs can be directed to the WASC Steering Committee.
Further communication is forthcoming as the University begins preparations for the accreditation visit in April. We look forward to showcasing our Shared Stories, Continued Success….
On February 16, 2017, the WASC Steering Committee hosted a Launch Event to kick off the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) Reaffirmation of Accreditation process, with the entire campus community. The event was a huge success with approximately 175 people in attendance, which was made up of students, faculty, staff and administration.
View Launch Event Documents on SharePoint

Video Credits:
- Actor – Stuart Sims (as himself)
- Screenplay – Stuart Sims
- Executive Producer – Shawna Young
- Director – Harold Stanislaw
- The Man Behind the Camera – Kevin Gasaway
- Hand Model – Erin Littlepage
- Key Stylist – Amy Worrell
- Microphone Wrangler – Avery Urban
- Chimney Sweep – Christopher Claus
- Key Grip – Sarah Schraeder
- Grip – Jon Grammatico
- Lighting – Martyn Gunn
- Stunt Coordinator – Oddmund Myhre
- First Aid – Stuart Wooley
- Casting Director – Keith Nainby
- Costume Designer – Gabby Nuno
- Make Up Artist – JungHa An
- Historian – Laura French
- Voice Coach – Ellen Junn
- Wardrobe – Kim Greer
- Assistant to Dr. Sims – John Tillman
- Transportation Captain – Faimous Harrison
- Craft Services – Tiffany Spaulding
- Audience Counter – Regan Linderman
- Coffee Break Coordinator – Mark Thompson
- Director of Computer Services – Tom Carter
- Chief Legal Counsel – Lynn Johnson
The IRP has been redesigned in significant ways to build on the work already accomplished in the institution’s last cycle of review and to focus the goals of the process on ensuring and improving student success and student learning.
This redesign includes:
- Shortening the time frame for completion of the process from 5 years to fewer than 3 years
- Reducing the number of stages in the process from 3 to 2
- Streamlining the process into a day-long off-site review followed by a visit
Under the Redesigned Institutional Review Process (IRP), California State University, Stanislaus will have its next Comprehensive Review in 2019 and will evidence and report on graduating students’ levels of performance in the below five core competencies:
- Written communication,
- Oral Communication,
- Quantitative reasoning,
- Critical Thinking, and
- Information literacy.
University Accreditation Archives
Tuesday, April 2 - Friday, April 5
Stanislaus State will host our Reaffirmation of Accreditation Site Visit by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) at both the Stockton and Turlock campuses.
WSCUC Confidential Email Account Notification
Dear University Community,
Stanislaus State is hosting a site visit by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) on April 2-5, 2019 in connection with our institution’s accreditation. During the site visit, the WSCUC team will hold open forum meetings with students, staff, and faculty to provide an opportunity for informal input from all members of the university community about their experiences with the institution. Students are especially encouraged to comment on issues of academic rigor and consistency, availability of student support services, accuracy of information provided by the institution, and other matters related to the quality of the educational experience. The site visit schedule, including open forum meetings as well as meetings with specific committees/units, is currently being finalized by the WSCUC team, and will soon be distributed to the university community, along with more information about fun and informational events and activities leading up to the visit.
WSCUC understands that not everyone who may wish to participate can attend these meetings, and has therefore established a confidential email account to give everyone the opportunity to communicate with the team. The email account is created by a WSCUC staff member and only authorized WSCUC staff and team members have access to it. The emails are not viewed by any representative of the institution. The email account is created for this visit only and will be closed once the WSCUC team leaves the campus. Only comments made before or during the visit will be considered as part of the review process.
Institutional reports, on-campus interviews, open sessions, and email comments become part of the information collected and reviewed by the WSCUC team. Please note that team members will not respond individually to comments provided through any of these venues, including the confidential email account. However, the input from comments, along with other forms of information, will be considered as the team undertakes its work and develops recommendations to the institution. The team is not able to meet individually with members of the university community, so please do not use the email account to request private appointments.
To write to the WSCUC team, please address your email to: csustan@wscuc.org
Any questions or concerns about the confidential email account or the upcoming site visit can be directed to Harold Stanislaw or Shawna Young, Co-Chairs of the University’s WASC Steering Committee.
Harold Stanislaw and Shawna Young
Accreditation Visit Open Forum Schedule
During the site visit, the WSCUC team will hold open forum meetings with students, staff and faculty to provide an opportunity for input from all members of the University community about their experiences with the institution. The schedule for these meetings is as follows:
Student Open Forum
Wednesday, April 3, 2:00-2:45 p.m., MSR 130
Faculty Open Forum
Thursday, April 4, 11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m., MSR 130
Staff Open Forum
Thursday, April 4, 1:00-1:45 p.m., MSR 130
Exit Meeting with the University Community*
Friday, April 5, 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., JSR Faculty Development Center 118
*All University community members are invited to attend the Exit Meeting. The WSCUC team chair delivers a summary of the team’s findings and recommendations. The findings and recommendations are not discussed during the meeting. The team leaves immediately following delivery of the summary. Please note that this meeting time is subject to change, depending on completion of the team’s review. Updated time will be communicated to the University community, if applicable.
Confidential Email
WSCUC understands that not everyone who may wish to participate can attend these meetings, and has therefore established a confidential email account to give everyone the opportunity to communicate with the team.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to Harold Stanislaw or Shawna Young, Co-Chairs of the University’s WASC Steering Committee.
Shared Stories, Continued Success... Documentary
With our accreditation visit upon us, we are excited to showcase our student-produced and edited documentary, Shared Stories, Continued Success...
Visit our documentary webpage to view the segments, as they will be posted throughout our accreditation visit, April 2-5. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for documentary release updates as well.
Reaffirmation of Accreditation Warm Up Week
March 25-29, 2019

Following the 2011 Special Visit, the WASC Commission scheduled a 2014 Special Visit for progress made to its recommendations. Part of the Special Visit process includes the submission of a Special Visit Report prior to the site visit. Special Visit Reports are intended to be limited in scope and not comprehensive evaluations of the institution. The report will assist the visiting team in understanding the progress made by the institution in addressing the issues identified by the Commission and the major recommendations of the last visiting teams (2011 Special Visit and 2010 Educational Effectiveness Review).
2014 Self-Study Team (SST) Members
Roxanne Robbin
Chair, Department of Art
Oddmund Myhre
Interim Dean, College of Education
Reza Kamali
Dean, College of Science
Lynn Johnson
Professor, Department of Accounting & Finance
Marjorie Jaasma (Chair)
AVP Academic Planning & Analysis; ALO
Scott Davis (Principal Writer)
Chair, Department of English
Contact Information
Email: specialvisit@csustan.edu
Following the Educational Effectiveness Review in 2010, the WASC Commission scheduled a Special Visit for fall 2011. Part of the Special Visit process includes the submission of a Special Visit Report prior to the site visit. Special Visit Reports are intended to be limited in scope and not comprehensive evaluations of the institution. The report should assist the visiting team to understand the progress made by the institution in addressing the issues identified by the Commission and the major recommendations of the last visiting team.
Special Visit Research Team Members
John A. Garcia, Co-Chair
Department of Social Work
Halyna Kornuta, Co-Chair
AVP for Academic Affairs
Accreditation Liaison Officer
Paul W. O'Brien
Chair and Professor
Department of Sociology
Gina Leguria
Senior Manager
HR and Compliance
Harold Stanislaw
Department of Psychology and Child Development
James Tuedio
Interim Dean
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Site Visit Central
Site Visit: Nov. 7-8, 2011
- Special Visit Site Team Report - 11.26.11
- Special Visit Communication
- Special Visit Site Team Roster
- Special Visit Schedule
View all 2011 Special Visit Documents on SharePoint
The Educational Effectiveness Review is intended to be significantly different from the Preparatory Review. Its primary purpose is to invite sustained engagement by the institution on the extent to which the institution fulfills its educational objectives. Through a process of inquiry and engagement, the Educational Effectiveness Review also is designed to enable the Commission to make a judgment about the extent to which the institution fulfills its Core Commitment to Educational Effectiveness:
The Institution evidences clear and appropriate educational objectives and design at the institutional and program level. The institution employs processes of review, including the collection and use of data that assure delivery of programs and learner accomplishments at a level of performance appropriate for the degree or certificate awarded.
Stanislaus State Educational Effectiveness Review Report
WASC Required Data Exhibits
- Educational Effectiveness Indicators 7.1
- Concurrent Accreditation and Key Performance Indicators, 8.1
- WASC Summary Data Form
View all 2010 Educational Effectiveness Review Documents on SharePoint
Site Visit Central
Site Visit Date: March 1-3, 2010
- EER Recommendations
- WASC EER Team Report
- WASC Confidential Email Account Notice
- EER Detailed Site Visit Schedule
- Top Ten Ways to Prepare for the WASC Visit
- How Students Can Prepare for the WASC Visit
- EER Site Team Roster
Fall Forum 2009
Documents and Resources
The Capacity and Preparatory Review is designed to enable the Commission to determine whether an institution fulfills the Core Commitment of Institutional Capacity. The Institution functions with clear purposes, high levels of institutional integrity, fiscal stability, and organizational structures and processes to fulfill its purposes.
View all documents on SharePoint
Stanislaus State Capacity and Preparatory Report
Stanislaus State Selected Exhibits
Site Visit Central
September 30 - Stockton Campus | Oct. 1-3 - Turlock
- President's Letter to WASC Commission
- WASC Commission Letter to President
- WASC Final CPR Team Report
- Stanislaus State CPR Follow-up Items
- Stanislaus State CPR Follow-up Timeline
- WASC CPR Site Visit Master Schedule
- Top Ten Ways to Prep for WASC Visit
- CPR Site Visit Team Roster
- About Stanisalus State Webpage
Transition from CPR to EER
Transition from CPR to EER Self-Study
Campus Communications
- CPR Discussions
- Self-Study Update 01.08
- Self Study Update 09.07
- General Faculty Meeting 05.07
- Self Study Update 01. 07
Documents and Resources
The Institutional Proposal is the first element of the Institutional Presentation and the first stage in the accreditation review cycle. Its purpose is to guide the entire accreditation review process. Once the proposal is approved, it becomes part of the total body of institutional material that supports the review during its subsequent two stages. The Stanislaus State Institutional Proposal was submitted in May 2006, and approved at the highest levels in June 2006.
View 2006 Institutional Proposal Documents on SharePoint
Stanislaus State Institutional Proposal
WASC Required Data Exhibits
Updated: December 04, 2024