Stanislaus State is committed to using the most accessible technology products and services on our campus. Accessible Procurement applies to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that are purchased, used or developed at Stanislaus State. In general, if a product fits into one of these categories, requires user interaction, and involves creating, converting, transferring or duplicating data or information, then it is probably covered.
A detailed guide on the Technology Acquisition Review (PDF) and ATI Review Process are also available.
Examples of ICT are:
Software or Service
- Operating Systems
- Application Software
- Installation programs
- Software Tools
- Computer Based Training
- Web Applications
- All Website Subscriptions
(including webinars)
- Telephones
- Televisions
- Large Screen Displays
- Monitors
- Tablets and iPads
- Computer
- Laptops
- Keyboards
- Still or Video Cameras
- Scanner
- Overhead Projectors
What this means is that Section 508 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act standards must be applied when developing, acquiring or using ICT products and services. This is also in accordance with CSU policy which requires information technology resources and services accessible to all CSU students, faculty, staff, as well as the general public, regardless of disability.
Thanks for your help in ensuring the products that Stanislaus State purchases are accessible to everyone. For more information about what's involved in the accessible ICT procurement process, please visit the procurement section.
Effective immediately, all technology (ICT) acquisitions purchased via any method (p-card, requisition, etc.) are required to undergo both an ATI review and IT security review, prior to their procurement. These reviews will occur in parallel and will be initiated by the Technology Acquisition Review (TAR) process. In order to have your acquisition reviewed, please complete a Technology Acquisition Review Request form so both the ATI and IT Security teams may review your product. A detailed guide on the Technology Acquisition Review and ATI Review process is also available.
These processes help ensure that that the University complies with federal and state law and CSU policies. Stanislaus State must apply the established Information and Communication (ICT) standards to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products and services that it buys, creates, uses and maintains. It is the University's responsibility to obtain the most accessible product or service available that meets the business and functional requirements. Obtaining an accessible product at the outset is generally less expensive and performs equally or better than an inaccessible one.
Please obtain information from the vendor on how the product meets accessibility requirements. If an accessible IT product or service is not commercially available, or if an exception to the requirement applies, please document how you will implement an equally effective alternative method of instruction if a student with a disability enrolls in the class, in coordination with Services to Students with Disabilities.
Updated: April 17, 2024