The Commons Connection will periodically host brief, peer mentor led, workshops. Scheduled workshops will be the first half hour of the scheduled open time.
Monday October 5th 2pm
How to stay focused and engaged during online learning
Wednesday October 14th 5pm
Time Management
Thursday October 22nd 6pm
How to study for exams
Tuesday October 27th 6pm
Online tutoring resources
Tuesday November 3rd 6pm
Resume, Cover letter, and CV hints tips and tricks
Tuesday November 10th 4-5pm
WOW2STEM Peer Mentors talk Graduate School
Thursday November 12th 6pm
Research Opportunities
Wednesday November 18th 5pm
Resume, Cover Letter, and CV hints, tips, and tricks
Thursday November 19th 4pm
WOW2STEM Peer Mentors talk Graduate School
Monday December 7th 2pm
Time and Stress Management
Updated: August 08, 2023