- Serve as the primary campus contact that will be responsible for full compliance with campus procedures for event planning, contact with campus service providers, any related liabilities, insurance, and costs associated with the event
- Accept both the risk and reward associated with the event
- Ensure that University facilities are used in accordance with University policies and procedures, the event contract, and all state and local laws and regulations
- Assign at least one Event Owner to be present at the event at all times, be in charge and accountable for all activities related to the event and ensure that the University facility is vacated and secured at the end of the event
- Complete the Co-Sponsorship Request Form and submit it to the Events Team to be reviewed and submitted for approval
- Submit a reservation request in 25Live once the Co-sponsorship has been approved
- Agree to not negotiate or promise any reduction or waiver of Facility Use Fees
- Communicate with the Third-party on all logistics/services needed and serve as the liaison between the appropriate campus service providers as needed
- Submit work orders and other campus services needed and include department chart string for payment. Forward all estimated fees to the University Events Team to be included on the Facility Use Agreement
- Secure the approval of co-sponsored events by the President or President's designee(s)
- Serve as the event scheduler in 25Live. Once all tasks are approved confirm the event
- Determine facility use fees (unless a waiver or reduction is approved). Gather indirect fees from Event Owner to be included in the Facility Lease Agreement
- Prepare the Facility Lease Agreement in accordance with University Policies and Procedures and submit it to the Third-party for signature
- Collect payments according to the Facility Lease Agreement from the Third-party
- Collect a chart string from the Event Owner to act as a security deposit
- If deemed appropriate due to the nature of the event or the space requested, provide an Event Monitor to work the event
- At the conclusion of the event, within 60 days, disburse all funds collected to the appropriate Event Owners
- Sign a Facility Lease Agreement and return it to University Events Team
- Submit payment to University Events Team for all fees outlined in the Facility Lease Agreement
- Share the associated responsibilities for co-sponsored events with the Event Owner
- Submit an approved Certificate of Insurance
- Communicate with the Event Owner on all event logistics/services needed
Updated: September 07, 2023