Instr Fac AY


College of the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences


Department of Philosophy



Science 1 S241

I am a scholar and teacher of the history of philosophy, with particular emphasis on ancient Greek philosophy and Western Marxism. A first-generation, non-traditional college student myself, I thoroughly enjoy teaching first-generation, non-traditional college students here at Stan State. My primary purpose as an educator is to stimulate an interest in the history of philosophy in my students and to attract students to a more serious engagement with philosophy in general. A translator of philosophical and literary German into English, I also consider teaching itself to be an act of translation, and aim to make the material taught in my classes relevant to students' lives and contemporary events.

  • B.A. (summa cum laude), Northern Arizona Universiy (Philosophy), June 2009
  • M.A., DePaul University (Philosophy), December 2011
  • Ph.D. (with distinction), DePaul University (Philosophy), June 2016
    • Dissertation: "Aristotle and the Cynics on Happiness and Misfortune" (Awarded Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2014-2015)
    • Dissertation Committee: Sean Kirkland (Director), Michael Naas, Will McNeill, Richard A. Lee, Jr., and Julie Piering

  • Ancient Philosophy
  • 20th Century Continental Philosophy (especially the Frankfurt School and Western Marxism)
  • History of Philosophy

  • Ethics (including Professional Ethics)
  • 19th Century German Philosophy
  • Social and Political Philosophy

  • "The Philosophy of Werner Herzog." Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2020. Co-edited with M. Blake Wilson (Including a chapter of my own: "The Film Artist as Discoverer of the Marvels of Everyday Life: a Kracauerian Reading of Werner Herzog").
  • "Cynic Influences on Stoic Ethics." In: The Routledge Handbook of Hellenistic Philosophy, (New York: Routledge, 2020), 71-81.
  • "Trouble in Paradise: Aristotle's Ideal Polis & Political Exclusion." Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (1), 2020.
  • "Cynic Philosophical Humor as Exposure of Incongruity." Epoché 24 (1), 2019.
  • "Misfortune and the Contemplative Life." The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 56 (3), 2017.
  • "Argument Analysis of Plato's Laches. On-line, Edinburgh: Archelogos, 2016. Co-author George Rudebusch. 38,000 words (equivalent of 100-page book).
  • ( Project Archelogos is creating an argument database, using a new methodology for the analysis into arguments of Plato's and Aristotle's philosophical texts. Project Archelogos enjoys wide international collaboration and received the Henry Ford Foundation Award for the Preservation of European Culture in 1997.)
  • "Under Adorno's Spell: Bann as Fundamental Concept Rather Than Mere Metaphor." New German Critique 129, November 2016.
  • "Happiness, Time, and Perplexity: Aristotle's Ethical Epistemology in EN I.10." In: AKAN - Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Band 11, 2016.
  • "Cosmopolis: Towards a Positive Conception of Cynic Political Philosophy." Yearbook in Cosmopolitan Studies ( 2 (2015).
  • "A Philosophical Solution to the Problem of Socrates." Co-authored with George Rudebusch. Journal of Ancient Philosophy 8 (2), 2014.
  • "The Return of Stolen Praxis: Counter-Finality in Sartre's Critque of Dialectical Reason." Sartre Studies International, 20 (1), 2014.

  • Fashion: Seductive Play [Mode. Ein verführerisches Spiel] by Eugen Fink (co-translation with Ian Alexander Moore, currently in progress with Bloomsbury, scheduled for publication in late 2021).
  • Critique of Right (Kritik der Rechte), by Christoph Menke. Polity, 2020
  • What Happened in the 20th Century? by Peter Sloterdijk [Was geschah im 20. Jahrhundert?, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2016]. Completed with Polity, 2018
  • I Am Not a Brain: Philosophy of Mind for the 21st Century, by Markus Gabriel 'Ich ist nicht Gehirn, Berlin: Ullstein, 2015]. Cambridge: Polity, 2017.
  • Not Saved: Essays After Heidegger by Peter Sloterdijk [Nicht gerettet: Versuche nach Heidegger, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verglag, 2001]. With co-translator, Ian Alexander Moore. Cambridge: Polity, 2016.
  • Play as Symbol of the World by Eugen Fink [Spiel als Weltsymbol, Freiburg: Karl Alber, 2010]. With co-translator, Ian Moore. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016.
  • Freedom to Fail - Heidegger's Anarchy by Peter Trawny [Freiheit und Irre: Heideggers Anarchie, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2014]. With co-translator, Ian Alexander Moore. Cambridge: Polity, 2015.
  • "Correspondence between Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Schiller." In: Philosophers and their Poets: Reflections on the Poetic Turn in German Philosophy Since Kant, SUNY Press, completed and forthcoming in 2017.
  • "The Universal and Annihilation: Heidegger's Being-Historical Anti-Semitism [Das Universale und die Vernichtung. Heideggers seinsgeschichtlicher Antisemitismus]" by Peter Trawny. With Ian Alexander Moore, translation of a Public Lecture delivered (in our translated English) at Södertörn Högskola, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014. To be published in Heiegger's "Black Notebooks": Philosophy, Politics, Anti-Semitism (ed. by Peter Trawny and Andrew Mitchell), completed and curently under review with Columbia University Press.
  • "Fragments on the History of Philosophy ["Fragmente über Geschichtsphilosophie"], by Peter Trawny. With Ian Alexander Moore. Philosophy Today 60 (4), 2016.
  • "On Machiavelli" by Johann Gottlieb Fichte [Über Machiavelli, als Schriftsteller, und Stellen aus seinen Schriften, 1807]. Translation with Ian Alexander Moore, in: Philosophy Today 60 (3), 2016.

  • "Under Adorno's Bann: Time for a Spell Check?" Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy at Northern Arizona University, May 29th-31st, 2015.
  • "Happiness, Time, and Perplexity: Aristotle's Ethical Epistemology in EN I.10." Applied Epistemology in Ancient Philosophy and Science, International Conference at the University of Trier, July 3-5, 2014.
  • "Aristotle's Ideal Polis and Political Exclusion." Northern Arizona University, Philosophy Department Colloquium Series, May 2014.
  • "Aristotle's Ideal Polis & Human Happiness: An Inclusive or Exclusive Politics?" Presentation at DePaul Philosophy Circle (with Esthefany Archila), April 2014.
  • Commentator on: Justin Humphries, "Plato's Theory of Writing in the Theaetetus" at the Ancient Philosophy Society, 13th Annual Independent Meeting, Notre Dame, April, 2013
  • "The Return of Stolen Praxis: Reading Sartre on Counter-Finality under the Spell of Adorno," Paper presentation as part of a panel on Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason (with Greg Trotter and Dr. Bill Martin) at the North American Sartre Society, Novemeber 2012.
  • "Bridging the Human/Animal Divide in Plato's Statesman," paper presentation at the Collegium Phaenomenologicum, July 2012.
  • "History of Cynic Philosophy" panel on Ancient Cynicism with Dr. Julie Piering and Dr. Bracht Branham at the Richard Wood Conference for Ancient Thought, Northern Arizona University, March 2008.