Associate Professor, Accounting
College of Business Administration
Accounting and Finance
Demergasso-Bava Hall DBH 234F
Ph.D. in Management Science and Accounting, University of Texas at Dallas, 2010.
MS in Accounting, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2001.
BS in Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, 1998.
Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting I, Intermediate Accounting II
Auditing, Financial Accounting, Financial Market, and Corporate Governance
- Song, X., Xie, X., Zhu, D. (2024). Board Skill Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Management & Change, 22(1), 112-133.
- Xie, X., Chang, Y., & Shiue, M. (2022). Corporate Life Cycle, Family Firms, and Earnings Management: Evidence from Taiwan. Advances in Accounting, 56.
- Ogilby, S.M., Xie, X., Xiong, Y. and Zhang, J. (2020), "Do sin firms engage in real activities manipulation to meet earnings benchmarks?", International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 28(3), 535-551.
- Xie, X., Firch, T. (2019) Corporate Life Cycle, Real Activity Manipulation, and Future Performance. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 10(2), 1-23.
- Xie, X., Chang, Y.S., Chiang, C.Y., Liu, L.L. (2019). Audit partner independence and business affiliation: evidence from Taiwan. Advances in Accounting, 46, 17.
- Lindsay, D., Campbell, A., Tan, K., Xie, X. (2019). The Impact of Duration of AACSB Accreditation on a Measurable Learning Outcome. Journal of Business Management and Change (Winter 2018), 4 - 12.
- Liu, L., Xie, X., Chang, Y.-S., Forgione, D. A. (2017). New clients, audit quality, and audit partner industry expertise: Evidence from Taiwan. International Journal of Auditing, 21(3), 288-303.
- Liu, L., Forgione, D. A., Xie, X., Branson, L. (2014). Client Importance and Auditor Independence. Journal of International Business and Economics, 14(4), 95-110.
- Liu, L.-L., Xie, X., Branson, L. (2014). Earnings Management in Poor Performers. Journal of International Finance and Economics, 14(4), 97-122.