

College of the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences





Demergasso-Bava Hall DBH276

Dr. Stephanie Paterson earned her M.A. in English and her Ph.D. in Composition and Literature at the University of New Hampshire. She received her B.A. in English at Bucknell University, in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Paterson is the co-director of the Great Valley Writing Project which is affiliated with the California Writing Project and the National Writing Project. She leads book studies designed to develop teacher expertise and leadership in writing pedagogy.

Research Interests:
Composition Theory, Pedagogy and Research Methods
Creative Nonfiction
Genre Theory
Literacy Studies
Improving Teaching & Learning through Professional Learning Communities

Ph.D. Composition and Literature, University of New Hampshire, May 2001.

M.A. English, University of New Hampshire, May 1996.

B.A. English, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA. June 1993.



English 1000:    Introduction to Composition
English 1001:    First-Year Composition
English 2000: Critical Inquiry
English 3009:    Writing for Teachers
English 3940:    Multicultural Literature
English 4014:    Creative Nonfiction


English 5001:    History & Research Methods in Composition
English 5010:    Special Topics in Composition
English 5020:    Assessment in English
English 5870:    Practicum: Teaching Composition (An Ethnographic Approach to Classroom Observations)
English 5894:    Teaching Composition and Literature
English 5941:    Internship in Teaching Composition (Fully Online)

  • Composition Theory, Pedagogy and Research Methods
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Genre Theory
  • Literacy Studies
  • Improving Teaching & Learning through Professional Learning Communities