

College of Science


Biological Sciences



Naraghi Hall of Science N270

2000: Ph.D. Microbiology. University of California, Davis.
1995: M.S. Biological Sciences. California State University, Chico.
1991: B.A. Interdisciplinary Biology. Lawrence University, Appleton, WI. Cum laude in course work and independent studies.

Research interests: Genetics and evolution of endosymbiotic bacteria-insect associations, environmental microbiology (bioremediation), and molecular biology.

For information on or to enroll in the active courses, please go to

MBIO 2010/2012 Microbiology for Nursing
An introduction to the basic concepts and principles of microbiology as it affects human health. Topics include the process of disease transmission, immunology, physical and chemical methods of disease prevention and control, as well as major infectious diseases of the body systems.

MBIO 3010 Bacteriology
A study of microorganisms, particularly bacteria, including an introduction to bacterial structure/function, genetics, metabolism, physiology, and evolution, and their role in the world.

MBIO 3032 Bacteriology Laboratory
An introduction to the principles and basic laboratory methods employed in working with bacteria - methods for culturing, identifying and handling of bacteria (aseptic techniques, streak plating, staining methods, and microscopy).

MBIO 4600 Food Microbiology
Study of the relationship of microorganisms to food-borne disease, food spoilage, and food production as well as food preservation

MBIO 4500 Bacterial Physiology
Examination of bacterial physiology including discussions of cell structure and function, energetics, regulation of growth and metabolism, and environmental adaptation

BIOL 3310 Cellular and Molecular Biology
Introductory analysis of the structure and function of the major components of the cell with emphasis on the molecular mechanisms involved in membrane function, signal transduction, intracellular compartments and transport, cell division and apoptosis

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