Assistant Professor


College of Education, Kinesiology & Social Work


Teacher Education



Demergasso-Bava Hall DBH328

Dr. Karen Webster received her doctoral degree in Learning and Instruction with a Concentration in Special Education from the University of San Francisco. Dr. Webster has 13 years of K-12 teaching experience in CA. She worked in a M/M special education setting during her tenure; with 10 years secondary and 3 years of elementary teaching experience.

Currently, Dr. Webster is the Education Specialist Credential Program Coordinator and is currently coordinating the Stan State Warriors Teach! Residency. She is also a full-time faculty member who teaches numerous courses in the ESCP.

Teacher Preparation inclusive of effective program design, UDL, Secondary Reading, Dyslexia, Social-emotional learning.

Creating a learning community is essential to motivate and inspire students to take risks, which is the goal of each of my courses. Learning is not always easy, but if my students know I am in their “corner,” I feel that they will put forth their best effort. I believe that learning is a process; no one ever “arrives” at that “final destination” of knowing everything! As such, I encourage my students to be curious, creative, insatiable learners. I urge teacher candidates to stretch and grow and have fun learning. With these qualities, I am hopeful they can transfer their passion for teaching and excitement for learning on to their students.