Professor, Accounting
College of Business Administration
Accounting and Finance
Demergasso-Bava Hall DBH214
Ph.D. in Management & Information Systems, Kent State University, 2008.
MS, Kent State University, 2002.
MBA, Kent State University, 1999.
BS, Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering, 1989.
Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Computers in Accounting, Management Accounting, Executive Management Accounting
- Zong, S., Zhu, D., Huang, T.-M. (2024). Does Investor Attention Impact ESG ETF Performance? Journal of Investing, 33(5), 87-97.
- Huang, T.-M., Zhu, D., Zong, S. (2024). ESG and Financial Performance. Journal of Business Management and Change, 22(1), 18-41.
- Journal Article (Published)
Song, X., Xie, X., Zhu, D. (2024). Board Skill Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Management & Change, 22(1), 112-133. - Huang, T.-M., Zong, S., Zhu, D. (2022). FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE COMPANIES. Journal of Business Management & Change, Spring 2020, 16-29.
- Huang, T.M., Zhu, D., Zong, S. (2019). Sustainable Socially Responsible Exchange Traded Funds Performance. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 10(2), 23-38.
- Chen, S., Elbashir, M., Peng, X., Zhu, D. (2016). The Effect of ERP Systems Competences on Business Process and Organizational Performance. International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, 17(1). 5-35.
- Zhu, D. (2015). Supply Chain Management Research Models: An Overview of the Current Literature. International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science, 1(1), 29-44.
- Zhu, D. (2014). Knowledge Management: An Object-Oriented Approach. Western Journal of Human Resource Management, 28-57.